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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Goodell was just being vindictive after Brady destroyed the cell phone and gave the commiss ***** in the media after everything the shield had done for NE during spygate.
  2. Rare occasion where blue state pols have to pivot to a right wing take from two years ago in order to remain electable. Usually it's the other way around.
  3. Oh, how could I forget the pivot from "not teaching from a book is the same as banning said book" to "disappearing podcast episodes is necessary and responsible in a free society."
  4. My hopes and dreams.
  5. We're seeing it in real time in this thread, Bill. "Ballot harvesting is fair and easy voting." "Podcasts and false advertising are the same thing." "Unlimited access to murdering children in utero and grown men shitting in the same bathroom as little girls are meaningful ideas and values." This is all nonsense, and if they are smart enough to comprehend that it's nonsense then why put it forward? Because they have no interest in "solving a divide," they're interesting in furthering the managerial state which punishes their perceived enemies and (supposedly) rewards their allies. Many large cities in the United States have devolved into full-fledged anarcho-tyranny and these folks cheer it on. The idea I'm putting forward is that there is no longer any meaningful way to bridge the divide. I believe I have already posted long-form on this in one of your threads so I'll leave it there.
  6. Always have a fall guy in your crew.
  7. Who on the American left wants to "solve the divide?" What about their behavior and rhetoric makes you think they are interested in anything but winning?
  8. As demonstrated in this thread, the leftist ethic is absurd and untenable in a sane society. This is why they strive to make society more and more insane using postmodern doubletalk and non-sequiturs. "There is no truth," "a man can become a woman," "democracy crumbles when you vote for the wrong people," etc. You CANNOT defend someone like Joe Rogan against leftist attacks on "free speech" or procedural grounds because leftists DO NOT BELIEVE in such things except when they are convenient for leftist causes. Their moral and political code is entirely patchwork and fails on its face if not for the SHEER WILL of leftists that props it up. You must mock and knock it down to reveal to the world that it has no clothes. The side that wants to win will always defeat the side that wants to be left alone. So long as you tolerate baby killers, usurers, pornographers, war criminals, and sodomites saying with a straight face, "not a SLUR???!!!" you will lose, because you allow the absurdity to continue without challenge.
  9. And the current outrage re: Rogan is over a banned word. Interesting.
  10. Lol I was waiting for the regime to play the only trick they have left
  11. Amazing. We get the “trust me bro” warhawking of the Bush admin with the bumbling economic incompetence of the Carter admin.
  12. The Olympic games are being conducted in a genocidal security state but Joe Rogan is the principal threat to democracy as it currently stands.
  13. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2022-02-03/cnn-staffers-reeling-over-jeff-zucker-resignation This is buried in like paragraph twenty, but why would congresscritters think that a corporate shill being fired for conducting an inappropriate sexual relationship is devastating for "our democracy?"
  14. Joe Rogan is literally just a jock - in a previous epoch he may have been a warrior - who decided he wanted to hear about intellectual things instead of just smoking weed with other comedians on his podcast. "You, sit, tell Joe what make sun go up in day and stars go up in night." And then just repeat for three hours. He'd believe pretty much whatever the people tell him up until a few years ago when he started to push back on things like diet and health. He's not an authority, and nobody views him that way. Literally the only reason to push against him having a platform is a disgraceful hatred of lay education and a desire to manage information from the seats of wealth and power only.
  15. lol a byproduct of a free press.
  16. According to reports, that hasn't satisfied the White House. Which is what I was talking about to start with.
  17. What does the FCC have jurisdiction over?
  18. Do you think there is a difference between publicly stating you think certain media conglomerates are against you and privately communicating with shot-callers at media companies regarding your preferences on their allowable content?
  19. That's not the "they" I was talking about. But you knew that. If, as the reports suggest, the White House is leaning on Spotify to come down harder on Rogan, this is de facto state action and brings up first amendment issues. Same with Facebook, other big tech, etc. You can't plausibly suggest that these "private companies" would do this on their own when JRE is on, what, episode 1700? And received a $100M contract two years ago. Dr. Fauci has an open invitation, as does anyone else who wishes to platform the approved information regarding COVID, to go on JRE. Sanjay Gupta took up the invitation. They had a very pleasant conversation.
  20. How many times does this point need to be made: THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT IS TRUE OR WHAT IS FALSE. The entire point is to manage information from the top-down. Where "experts" and "science" are defined by the government and their credentialist lackeys.
  21. Maybe, but if that’s the standard how did the three coaches before him do? I seem to remember many years when they weren’t even bowl eligible. I don’t think Harbaugh is a great coach but he’s probably top half in the NFL if he signed tomorrow. In a league where the bottom 25% get the axe that’s not terrible. Harbaugh’s issue has always been quarterbacking, and when the issue wasn’t the quarterback (Andrew Luck) he was, again, not at a blue chip program. This isn’t an excuse, since at Michigan the recruiting of said quarterback falls squarely on him.
  22. It’s almost like they ranked their candidates or something. Sinister!
  23. That was really my point. Nobody is arguing that Michigan is a blue chip program or will be at some point. Ten wins and a decent bowl game is a good season for them. Going to the CFP is incredible, but not an expectation.
  24. Were you watching them in the ten years prior to harbaugh’s arrival? That program was a clown show before he showed up.
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