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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. In an absolute surprise to no one, Disney execs support grooming children. In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
  2. Don't make me press my big red button! Putin? Who said anything about Putin?
  3. Make this poll public so we know who supports thermonuclear war and who doesn’t.
  4. Based on the tweet he posted I'm assuming he believes this bill infringes on LGBTQ rights. Which again begs the question that has yet to be answered, why is talking to kindergartners about sex in the category of "LGBTQ rights?"
  5. Oh, I have a question! Why is it considered an "LGBTQ right" to speak to kindergartners about sex?
  6. The sheer amount of sexual abuse perpetrated by so-called "educators" in schools in this country provides ample justification for ANY talk regarding sexuality between minors and school employees to be banned. The US Department of Education, in the mid-00's, estimated that 10% of all K-12 students will be sexually victimized by a school employee by the time they graduate high school. Do we think this number has gone up or down in the last ~15 years?
  7. One sip more than I drink in a given amount of time.
  8. https://tnc.news/2022/02/26/levy-toronto-elementary-students-given-gender-inclusivity-training/ https://genderspectrum.org/articles/educator-resources
  9. They'll be handing over that haul and then some for Watson.
  10. It is. We should know by the end of the month what, if any, criminal charges he'll have to face.
  11. When alphabet soup-sexuals refer to legislation which prevents school counselors from talking to kindergartners about sexual topics as "anti-LGBTQ," we should be asking ourselves what exactly that means and implies.
  12. Except they won't expand oil production here. Even if they wanted to (they don't) it would take months to ramp up again. Going hat in hand to Venezuela after a VERY foreseeable oil price spike means only one thing: they want higher gas prices.
  13. Ilhan drops ANOTHER great tweet. Say what you want about her at least she has some ***** principles.
  14. He's not saying the effects weren't real, he's saying the effects were, in part, driven by corporate media. Similarly, when someone says "the hand-wringing over Ukraine is a manufactured MSM creation," they aren't saying that there aren't real people getting their panties in a wad over a country they wouldn't be able to differentiate from any other ex-Soviet state if you airdropped them in blind. They're saying that people only care because the media cares. The question he's arguing from isn't "did it happen," but "why did it happen?" How much of the Q following was generated organically can be argued to death. In the era of the internet it's an open question, but 8kun doesn't quite have the web traffic that your average corporate media site does.
  15. I was very disappointed when it turned out Qanon was not Thomas Pynchon crafting his magnum opus.
  16. Pete Rose has a lifetime ban. Based on that precedent alone the NFL will at least consider not letting him play again. When you open an account you submit to all of their terms and conditions. They can share your information with the government, contracted monitoring companies, etc. One of said companies is contracted by the NFL to investigate possible violations of league rules w/r/t NFL players/staff betting. Odds are your employer doesn't give a damn whether you gamble so long as 1) it doesn't affect your work product and 2) you aren't using company information to do so. The problem with Calvin Ridley is while he might not have been playing, how sure can we be about 2? How can the books and the shield assure their customers that this is all on the up and up?
  17. Is the war in Ukraine about philosophy of government? Is it about reclaiming ethnic Russians for their motherland? Is it naked aggression and land/material greed? No you chud, it’s about black women in America.
  18. Is this really a take now? He’s a muppet throwing all the ***** he can find at the wall to see what will stick and start WWIII. Yeah he’s better than your typical American gerontocrat but let’s not pretend that’s a real high bar to clear.
  19. From the shoutbox: "the a pitta me of dumb"
  20. Crypto apologists really don’t get it. The government can very easily seize or freeze your digital assets. And then there’s the whole matter of getting your black market currency accepted in exchange for goods or services. Or better yet, getting the tax man to accept it. And I do trade for some of my meat and produce. I’ll be fine. I just wonder if all these bitheads have really thought this thing through.
  21. Currency managed to get us along for 2500 years or so. Narrator: "it didn't." So we, what, throw our hands up in the air because civilization ceded this power to government millennia ago? Are you saying that a cashless society is, in effect, the same as the one where coin currency is the norm?
  22. I mean if we want to follow that thought all the way down the government has the means and the process by which to seize your hard assets too. But that's not really the point.
  23. Couple of tweets to start things off: This brought a couple of things to mind for me. First, how much sanctions actually affect the poor and working classes. Second, and more the point, how much we’ve already become reliant on digital methods of payment (Bank cards I suppose count toward this as well, since they become plain old plastic rectangles without the digital support). This raises many questions. Why is a method of payment this fragile constantly pushed by the media and governments? Who has the power to turn it off and on? Who *should* have the power to turn it off and on? Americans are relatively fortunate in the sense that it’s our government that has a tight hold on these things. Which is why China created their own, internal system. But a system run by an communist autocracy has its own issues. Whole sections of society shut down without electronic payment already. I think we should be thinking through all of the possibilities if we want to continue to marginalize cash payment.
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