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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. And yet the solution(s) proposed typically involve police being ultimately responsible for weapons confiscation and/or being the only ones who can own large classes of weapons.
  2. Leftist: police are scared of AR-15s so we should ban them! Also leftist: the police will surely go door to door to confiscate the millions of AR platform guns in this country.
  3. It also tends to further bloat government budgets. Care to follow the same line of reasoning there?
  4. I sold a car to a guy who didn't speak english once. We wrote numbers down on a napkin and did a lot of pointing. Best sale experience ever.
  5. Famously free of gun crime Mexico.
  6. Yeah I find it likely that, unofficially, the teams kind of made it clear to each other that the talent didn’t outweigh the baggage. Then throw in the whole thing with the ravens a couple years ago it kicks the can down the road some more.
  7. I appreciate the firearms education work that QB Jake Fromm put in for his community service graduation requirements at Georgia.
  8. In that it made automatic firearms only available to people with a certain amount of capital, yes. Considering your other political positions it seems interesting to me that your solution is to make another class of firearms only available to rich people.
  9. Well, no. Just like a litany of other things in America, the real barrier to legally obtaining an automatic weapon is money.
  10. Lots of stuff missing here. Leaving aside the fact that very few people know much about breaching an outward opening steel door with a steel frame, there are several questions that need to be answered. Had he barricaded the door at all? Did he have hostages? Was he actively killing those hostages? Why did it take so long to get a key? Where was the SRO? Excuse me if I hesitate to trust the "sources" talking about what occurred in that active scene at this point in the timeline. Need to have some more information before I'm willing to throw someone under the bus a la a certain Broward County SRO.
  11. More kids are killed by pit bull attacks than via school shootings. Let's take a moment to honor the sacrifice of our brave children who lay down their lives to protect our right to own a breed of dog you think is cool but in reality is a killing machine that is also trashy. At least guns look cool.
  12. Lamar must be waiting for Watson money. And based on their relative successes I’m not sure I can argue with him on the merits.
  13. There's always going to be confusion there because many guns that people, media, politicians, etc. colloquially call "assault rifles" are not legally assault rifles.
  14. The implicit assumption in this line of thinking is that the law would be just and that citizens should therefore be content to obey them. I don't think that case has been made.
  15. Someone upthread posted a graph which compared gun violence rates. Some people point out that Switzerland has a decent amount of guns but little gun violence and no mass shootings. Nobody talks about the hellhole Central and South American countries with plenty of gun violence but also don't have these mass shootings carried out by lone wolves. Even among the countries with *more* gun violence than the US, America is different in this regard.
  16. I'm not sure it's confirmed he was wearing body armor but in those cases they get neutralized by their brains being painted on the wall.
  17. I support the GOA rather than the NRA. Lifetime member! It will never be too late. That the Democrats won't even try at this point indicates that there is no debate left to be had.
  18. So is DexCom. What's your point? Gun sales skyrocketing after a mass shooting event probably has several contributing factors.
  19. None of the leftist response needs to make sense because every tragedy is just another cudgel to use to beat your opponent.
  20. If there's no solution, then quit with the finger wagging and control what you can. Maybe start with re-opening the asylums, idk.
  21. Famously white 18 year old Salvador Ramos.
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