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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Lol why. Girls who get knocked up by professional athletes don’t get abortions, they get paid. In the immortal words of the great sage Kanye West: 18 years, 18 years!
  2. “This is about the future of our children” is hilariously mealy-mouthed for someone who thinks children should be able to be cut up alive and sucked out of the womb on any whim of the “mother.” Bought? Let’s say he isn’t arguing in good faith, which I’m not conceding. What makes you think he’s bought vs. out for revenge for the constant hit pieces and threats against his wife?
  3. Do I look like I’m joking? But in actuality Loving was decided on two grounds, it’s still an equal protection issue even if substantive due process disappears overnight.
  4. Actually Clarence Thomas has been playing a long game to get interracial marriage banned so he can divorce his wife and pay no alimony. Combine it with the new tobacco rules and it’s bootlegging plantation time.
  5. Church bells ring, are you listening? It's a new era's christening. A beautiful sight We're happy tonight Walking in a right-wing wonderland! Gone away is the Burger Court, Arrest the migrants at every port! We'll sing a love song, To a border so strong, Walking in a right-wing wonderland! In garages, we can build machine guns, Because the ATF is full of clowns. They'll say, are you licensed? We'll say, no man, Come try to take them and you'll end up underground! Later on, we'll conspire To rig elections, wire-to-wire; To intimidate gays, With the plans that we've made Walking in a right-wing wonderland!
  6. Being a shorter opinion I was able to read through his, which is basically concurring with the judgment regarding the Mississippi law but arguing that the larger issue should not have been addressed in this case. An opinion for judicial restraint, essentially.
  7. I can tell you from experience that open carrying a long gun (outside of hunting) also feels kind of weird. And I'm a gun guy lol. Even in a state that allows open carry for citizens I would still just conceal carry. I don't think there's any benefit to displaying your firearm unless you also have some displayed authority (badge, uniform, etc.).
  8. With few exceptions no, it is not legal to open carry any firearm in NYS.
  9. Put your money where your mouth is. Donate a shitload of money to your local big city on the condition that it is used to arm their police department to the teeth and pay overtime for gun crime details where stop-and-frisk is utilized liberally and those found to be violating gun laws are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Want to see gun violence drop? This plan has a track record of actually working.
  10. Yeah. Having a badge pinned to your chest doesn't make you a good guy.
  11. If anyone wants to get their names run through the putative father registry let me know!
  12. What about mooslims and jew skoolz?!? Somehow I feel that the Supreme Court managed to think that through as well. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/20/20-1088/171699/20210311154242895_20-1088 Amici Brief.pdf
  13. Public dollars going to religious institutions as the result of private choice is not unconstitutional. This has been litigated in various forms time and again with the same results, as noted by C.J. Roberts in this very case. Not only that, but it's noted that as long as a private school identified itself to the state as "non-sectarian," there was little scrutiny applied to that label. Which means that the entire argument for excluding sectarian schools from the choices available to parents for their tuition assistance payments is arbitrary and capricious.
  14. Reagan is a PPP golden boy but ultimately is whitewashed because of the inevitable end of the Soviet threat and having been shot. He’s as guilty as anyone for the current status of China on the world stage.
  15. Nixon, for all his paranoia, was probably our last good president.
  16. wHAt aRe yOu iMPlyiNG??? https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdwi/pr/former-milwaukee-county-judge-sentenced-9-years-distributing-child-pornography A children's court judge! I wonder what he did before he was elected. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/16/lgbtq-activist-has-filed-run-judge-against-walker-appointee/2019167001/ Oh.
  17. Forget the suburbs, every NYPD kid I've talked to with less than five years on is taking at least one interview with a department in Florida. Half the chiefs and sheriffs down there are New York guys. NYPD officers in good standing don't have to go to academy at all, just three weeks of paid classroom time learning Florida law. Signing bonuses and other perks. Some of those departments offer lateral officers $80k out of the gate.
  18. Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" I yell as I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads!” The grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.
  19. lol I was gonna say I’m gonna wait on this one until the feds have to provide discovery.
  20. Good afternoon. I read your post.
  21. Straw purchases are already illegal. Falsified answer on your 4473 is a prosecutable offense. Dude you posted a thread from a blue check that has no details in it. What did you expect?
  22. As to the first, maybe start by actually prosecuting criminals in urban areas. When DAs and city executives essentially wage a proxy war against their own citizens via DPs and early releases your proposal to criminalize some of those citizens for arming themselves is going to go over like a lead balloon. As to the second, have you considered that you’re fretting about the wrong thing? Mass shootings of the kind in buffalo and uvalde represent an extremely small percentage of gun homicides. Most gun homicides involve only one victim and are usually committed via a handgun in the inner city. Instituting robust anti-crime policies such as stop-and-frisk in such areas is a proven way to get illegal guns off the streets.
  23. Maybe so. But the point remains: you need to prop up a legal framework that doesn't already exist. You're talking about turning victims of crime into criminals based on what happens with the fruits of their victimization. This flies in the face of our legal tradition. I understand and agree that people need to be responsible about how they store their firearms, but we don't penalize people who are victims of theft of other things they were irresponsible with. It's nice that I prioritize and can afford a $5,000+ safe, but there are folks out there who don't have those options. They opt for a cabinet that locks, basically keeping guns out of the hands of their kids so no terrible accidents happen. But these cabinets won't stop a thief who wants to steal guns. Which brings us back around, again, to the idea that this is just another way to price people out of their rights.
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