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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Lol. No. This is lazy analysis in an attempt to retcon a freezing cold take from somewhere around April 2018. Many such cases.
  2. They literally just did the first line of the IT help desk script. Real bunch of geniuses running things down there if Exiled can outshine them all by pulling a couple levers.
  3. Anyone look at the census data for CA vs. MS? What's the diversity quotient in those two states?
  4. What's the diversity numbers on Jackson, MS?
  5. He thinks that a public service like clean water to bathe in and drink is directly analogous to a loan you signed the promissory note for to pay for something you didn’t need.
  6. Jackson, MS. Murder capital of the US and poison water. Sounds like a nice place.
  7. Browns are the underdog, line is currently Panthers -2. I also have Jacksonville (+3) over the Commandos.
  8. No, you're just a ***** poster, and you just to see the unintentional humor in what you posted, considering your bloviating about the "infrastructure" bill when it passed. "Expand access to clean drinking water" is right on the propaganda page for it! Surely, with a trillion dollars already earmarked, we can find some for poor ol' Jackson, MS.
  9. What happened to that trillion dollar infrastructure bill? Surely there's money in that for this sort of project.
  10. How many votes do you think this line turns red in November? In 2024?
  11. Even if this is true Dems come out on top. Again, loser mentality from the GOP.
  12. Friend/enemy distinction, Chef. Universities are leftist power structures that exist only to benefit the left's friends. I'm interested in dismantling them. If you think the state of the judiciary now isn't great, just wait until the people studying Qu3er Legal Theory at Boalt right now start turning 45.
  13. The same reason so many other things are so expensive: administrative bloat. But I have no interest in a solution.
  14. Welcome to the “loot the treasury” phase of the downfall of a nation.
  15. No I’m not. The vast majority of polygraphs administered in this country are to law enforcement job applicants. And only about 60% of police departments use it for that purpose. The federal government attempted to arrest people who were teaching others how to defeat a polygraph. Polygraphs identify liars better than a coin flip does, to be sure. But it’s not a cure-all.
  16. “Constantly” is a stretch. The polygraph has its uses but it can be defeated and it can be misinterpreted.
  17. Am I to understand that it's bad, actually, that people cooperated with the government to ensure they could pay their employees? That a cash passthrough that was effectively another means by which to administer unemployment payments and keep businesses from shuttering after forced closures, with defined forgiveness parameters from the outset, is worthy of mockery?
  18. With respect, Irv, this is the wrong narrative to throw at this issue. You worked hard and you paid the G or whoever back. Ok, me too. But the corporations and banana republics these crooks hand trillions to also “pay it back.” Conservatives should oppose this because it benefits leftists and left-of-center institutions of power. Full stop. If the GOP was actually interested in serving its voting bloc, they would propose 100% student loan debt cancellation for married families with 3+ children.
  19. This isn’t investing in students. This turns these loans into direct government payments to universities who are accountable to nobody in exchange for nothing.
  20. If usury is wrong in this type of loan in which other types of loans is it right?
  21. Again, Republicans not only miss the point but miss an opportunity. Democrats understand that politics simply comes down to what Old Hickory practiced: reward friends, punish enemies. IRS, "green" energy, student loan "forgiveness," all just payment programs for dem donors at the expense of those who actually make the system run.
  22. I own some Saxx boxer briefs. Highly recommend
  23. #freeTurbo #freeHossage #freeThailog80 (from the confines of Hell)
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