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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. 13 hours ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Lol nobody is scared of Parisians. Literally the biggest sissies in the history of the world.


    Hopefully people are all waking up around the world and seeing how crazy the left is. Hopefully we are next!


    The people out protesting the elections aren't "Parisians" by the historical definition of the word.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  2. 9 hours ago, daz28 said:

    Yes, but word have meanings and they matter.  By using your logic, every person who murders someone murdered a child, because they were once one, right?  

    Late term abortions are a whole different thing altogether, and I'm not for them.  That's basically trumps only argument is they're killing all kinds of babies "even after they're born".  The real statistics do not support that in any way.  The vast majority of abortions are NOT late term.

    The picture is of an 18 week “fetus.”

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 1 minute ago, muppy said:


    Donald Trump is the pitbull of presidential candidates.  UNTRUSTWORTHY you will never convince me otherwise


    Oh I'm holding on to this one forever, mup. I don't ever want to hear you kvetch about my pit takes EVER AGAIN!

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

    I would love to hear one of the resident lefties refute these thoughts. Preferably with hysteria set to the side. Where is Rubin wrong?


    Well, let's not assume anything regarding the level of delusion or self-deception in the Democratic party. They might have legitimately thought if they pumped Biden with enough supps and stims they could get him through with a ton of prep. Moving it up would also hold off 3+ months of further decline and they can hide him in October like they did last time.


    The whole reason for running Joe to begin with was because the Dems had very few viable options going into 2020. They haven't really developed any more since (Newsome is intriguing for them but clearly had no plans to run this year and appears to be gearing up for a possible 2028 bid). Republicans, for all their faults, have a few people that could bring out all the normal Republican voters should they choose to run. 


    But for a moment let's accept Dave "I buy boys" Rubin's premise that Trump "fell for it" with regard to the debate. The Democrats now have a little inside two months to get their act together and coalesce around another candidate. In this scenario, the DNC old guard who are currently running the country in Biden's stead certainly already have *their guy* and have had him for some time now. The problem is that there are some much younger Dems with some actual principles in Congress currently who wouldn't be able to see the writing on the wall and think it's the time for *their guy* instead. I doubt very much that the likes of AOC, Omar, etc. and the folks that support and vote for those types are rushing to install another Biden-type who can have the strings pulled by the same shills managing the decline of this country currently. And now Trump is in a position where he may beat the hell out of the Biden piñata but also very publicly raise the obvious question to everyone with a functioning frontal lobe: who, in fact, is calling the shots? He can pillory the entire democratic party for allowing this to continue when many of them obviously knew. Meanwhile the Dems have to somewhat scramble to get the ducks and delegates in a row to nominate someone in August with a very short ramp to the election.


    In short, I think Trump stands to *gain* more than lose by having an early debate, even if the plan all along was to move off Biden.

  5. I want to see the stimulant stacks they're pumping into these two before they go out on stage. If it can make both of them lucid enough to go 90 minutes in a debate it'll probably keep me working at my top form for 48 hours.

  6. 1 hour ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Cool song but how many like this can you listen to in a row?  F'in exhausting.  But I'm old....relax

    lol it’s one of my favorite albums of all time. Criminally under appreciated band. American grunge and post punk owe them an incredible debt. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. The very narrow view on the quid pro quo arrangement is nothing new. From what I’ve read it’s an extremely popular and potent appeal by public officials looking to get corruption-related convictions overturned. Case involving New York somewhere in the process right now regarding our former Lt. Gov. 

    Link for those who subscribe: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/08/nyregion/brian-benjamin-corruption-charges.html


    District court had directed the indictment for the bribery be dismissed because of the same reasons. Appeals court reversed. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    Agreed, at least in NYS it’s a capped cost but still. Should be limited to emissions. Always felt like the dealer used it as an excuse to get you to buy more unnecessary maintenance. 


    The line from the DMV is great. "You're not required to get the repairs done at the shop that failed your car!" Fat lot of good that does people when the dealer is scraping the inspection sticker off your car whilst the rabbit ears embedded in every trooper hat in a 50 mile radius turn on you simultaneously.

  9. 6 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I would like to see us go to a VAT in lieu of the income tax. A VAT taxes consumption, not earnings or savings. We spend an enormous amount of time and money around income taxes, tax preparation, tax avoidance, etc. This is the single most wasteful thing in our economy.

    The regressive effects could be mitigated by some kind of rebate.


    A VAT isn't perfect but it's better than what we're doing now. Throw in some rebates at the lower levels and for having dependents and it's a winner. Not even sure it would be unpopular in real life.


    4 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    In Colorado we have emissions tests for cars that are older than a certain number of years. I can't remember how many years (5?), but I've got a car that needs it this year. Passage rate is extremely high for any car newer than about 2010. Incredibly wasteful of my time and money.


    In NY cars newer than 2 years and older than 24 years are exempt from the emissions portion of the inspection. It should be noted that emissions inspections are required in some areas per the feds.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. No. Any hint, story, "declassified" document, etc. is a psyop to distract you from the fact that the US, like other superpowers in history, has communed with demons in order to obtain technological advances that defy a credible explanation.


    Extraterrestrials/reptilians running the government is, like the fake moon landing, a cover conspiracy planted by the USG in order to cover up more horrible truths.


    Poor Bill Cooper went to his grave so close, yet so far from the truth.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  11. I know I need a small vacation
    But it don't look like rain
    And if it snows that stretch down south
    Won't ever stand the strain

    And I need you more than want you
    And I want you for all time
    And the Wichita lineman

    Is still on the line

  12. Oh, my love, my darling
    I've hungered for your touch
    A long, lonely time


    Time goes by so slowly
    And time can do so much
    Are you still mine?

    I need your love
    I need your love
    God speed your love to me

  13. 11 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Is that $55/hr. with or without benefits? Pension, health, life insurance, etc...  What's overtime (over 40 hrs/week)... Time and 1/2?


    Without benefits that $55 drops down to "only" like $35/hour...

    Which is still well above median wage. And median wage doesn’t take those things into account. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
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