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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. 2 minutes ago, boyst said:

    @LeviF can verify but this is 100% wrong whoever that dude is... USSS are federal agents and have the ability to operate anywhere in the United States.


    The guy carrying a gun can carry it anywhere but once he begins an illegal act (pointing a weapon) he is in the US which is jurisdiction of USSS.


    stop believing everything on X. jesus... can't wait for the Dems to believe in their own Q-Anon.


    I mean depending on the context it may be accurate to a degree. The Secret Service can't stop people from legally carrying weapons outside of a perimeter that they've set. But once someone presents as a threat all of the normal police rules of engagement apply: objective reasonableness and the like. It is objectively reasonable for a federal agent to fire on somebody who has assumed a prone position with a rifle with a clear view of a protectee, "jurisdiction" notwithstanding.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Roundybout said:

    Would bet it's Rubio. He needs a milquetoast VP like Pence. 


    Vance is too much of an insane QAnon nut. 


    It's a fine line because he needs to not alienate boomercons upset with his "tone" and looking for just one more excuse to not vote but also make sure that his VP is solid assassination insurance. Party-approved, GOPe guys like Rubio and Haley virtually guarantee his death inside of six months. 

    • Agree 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, ScotSHO said:

    DO you know how shiity life can be if behind most trees there is someone that might take you out?  The Vietcong never took on the US military directly, yet didn't lose.  Don't act so brash, it is a legitimate threat.

    And the Vietcong didn’t have access to military shot callers’ names, addresses, wives, children…

  4. 1 hour ago, Roundybout said:

    We have free will because we are made in Gods image (Genesis). 

    Sin is simply the contemplation of worldly things instead of God. Adam’s sin wasnt eating the apple, it was turning from the contemplation of God and his works to contemplating his own nakedness and bodily desires.


    Contra Gentes by St. Athanasius is an excellent read if you have the time. One of the most important works of the early Church.

    God explains what Adam did wrong. There’s some good relationship advice in there for free too. 



    Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life


  5. 4 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    He has dominion over the spiritual domain of heaven and earth. He's not ruling the earth. This is where that free will aspect comes into play. Jesus/God/holy spirit doesn't play games and manipulate people of the Earth the way the Devil does. God doesn't interject the way he did in Old Testament times. The Devil doesn't believe in free will, obviously. That's the spiritual battle constantly fought within people: the devil tempting you directly and your faith and commitment restraining you to keep you on the right path.

    What does “all authority” mean?


    And where does the Bible state that humans operate with free will?

  6. 16 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    Giving free will, but then interjecting is hypocritical. You're calling God a hypocrite.


    God does not appoint politicians. I wish that was a universal understanding. The Bible tells us time and again the the Devil rules the earth. He even tempts Jesus by offering him authority over the kingdoms of the world. Obviously, Jesus refuses because he knows he rules a greater domain.

    You fail to grasp even the basics of this. 

    Condition on the “authority” that the tempter offered was what? To worship the tempter. 

    Jesus refused not because he rules a “greater domain” but because his dominion is greater than that of the tempter’s. 

    Properly understood, Christianity teaches that Jesus rules both heaven and earth as God and Christ. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:

    This will obviously end up in the Defiant L’s thread. Dude is a senior fellow at a race hustling PAC and describes himself as a critical race theorist. He doesn’t say but I think he might be a democrat.

    And a total loser. 

    All leftists think that it’s “too perfect” because they have no mental framework for human courage. 

    And Tim Wise’s head on a pike is going to be my thanksgiving centerpiece when our guys win. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, paulmm3 said:

    There is an epidemic of left wing violence we need to talk about. This is what, the fourth or fifth right of center leader who has had an assassination attempt the last 12 months? Trump, the leader of Spain's right wing party, the leader of Slovenia, the AfD higher up, and was there someone in the Netherlands too?

    Don’t forget Shinzo Abe. Maybe that was more than a year ago though. 

    If anybody takes anything away from today (let it be after watching the videos of the female secret service agents) it should be that women don’t belong within 100 miles of any law enforcement career. 


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  9. 10 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Do as I say not as I do


    Single mothers are more prevalent than single fathers   Neither get much support but one has a choice on parenthood and one currently does not. 


    They all have a choice. You’re essentially saying a woman should have no agency until and unless it’s time to kill her baby. Then she is basically god. 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    The data book had the raw numbers on recruitment.


    Most stay in the IRS once there.  A lot of people use it as a retirement plan and come at the end of their career and stay until the pension kicks in and retires).


    From the attorney side a lot will just stay until Public Student loan forgiveness kicks in and then leave for greener pastures.


    All IRS CI agents I know have been there a long time and don’t plan on leaving.


    Gotcha. I have no idea what the work culture there is like. HSI guys seem pretty happy. USSS seems like ***** gig since a lot of those guys dip after their three years is up. Especially since that mandatory rotation to DC kicks in after 3-5. Once you're an 1811 seems like you can pretty much take it anywhere in the G so retention is an issue for the bad/boring jobs.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:




    The IRS plans to triple the audit rates on large corporations with assets of more than $250 million. Audit rates for these companies will rise to 22.6% in tax year 2026 from  8.8% in 2019.

    Large partnerships with assets of more than $10 million will see their audit rates increase 10-fold, rising to 1% in tax year 2026 from 0.1% in 2019.

    Wealthy individuals with total positive income of more than $10 million will see their audit rates rise 50% to 16.5% from 11% in 2019

    Their strategic plan calls for exactly that in 2024 as IRA funds hit the agency and agents are trained.


    As an aside, since it's adjacent to my world, I've noticed that they're in full-on open recruitment for criminal investigators. Interested to see 1. how many they're actually able to recruit and retain beyond, say, three years and 2. how that ends up effecting their numbers for prosecutions related to financial crimes and narcotics income.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    For people under $200,000 of income, audit coverage is about 0.1 percent whereas audit coverage peaks at 3 percent for people in higher incomes.


    But again, you want to play the per capita games (66% vs 88%!) until it no longer suits you (now, or for crime, or any number of things). You latched onto incomplete data, obviously never actually looking at the source material that you recommended I look at thinking you had a solid snarky retort, because it painted a picture that you thought looked good for *your guys*.


    The claim is that there is all this uncollected tax from rich folks and the IRS needs shitloads more money to capture it. Either the IRS doesn't believe that, or they don't care. If the rich are illegally withholding tax money from the G at an astounding rate you'd think that they'd audit more than 0.4% of returns reporting income of $10M or more in 2021.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    You can have fun going through all the IRS statistics:





    Your assertion was that 66% of audits were levied on 88% of the population, which is demonstrably false by simply thinking for five seconds. But I'll do your homework for you.


    Number of individual returns examined (audits) 2023: 518,607

    Individual returns examined for positive incomes $0 - $200,000: 474,127


    For a 91.4% figure.


    It's even simpler than I thought. Thanks for the link.

    • Agree 1
  14. I gave my heart so easily
    I cast aside my pride
    But when you fell for someone else, baby
    I broke up all inside
    And it looks like
    I'm never gonna fall in love again
    That's why I'm a-singin' it
    Fall in love, no, I'm never gonna fall in love
    Please don't make me
    Fall in love again

  15. 23 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    How many people in the US do you think make more than $200,000? The last number I saw was 12 percent.


    So if 66 percent of audits were on 88 percent of the population, you’re hitting the richest 12 percent with 34 percent of audits.



    What portion of that 88 percent pays zero income tax and/or is not required to file?

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. tl;dr the “natives (lol)” are sore losers whose way of life and “cultural heritage” got exactly what was coming to them. The land was conquered, just like your ancestors conquered it (and did nothing with it) from the prior occupants, and on and on back to when humans first crossed over from Asia. 

    The “average descendants of the colonists” served in several brother wars and spilled their blood on this and foreign soil for the sake of the American people. 

    And yes, every American Indian who claims to be part of a sovereign nation should be denaturalized and deported. Enough is enough. No reservation, no sovereign nation. 

  17. So don't ask me where I been
    'cause you don't wanna know
    and don't ask me who I'm seein'
    no, you don't wanna know
    and don't come around me here when I need you the most
    leave it alone

    leave a little room for the holy ghost


    Now your pretty horse is runnin' wild and free
    You can go and find a lover baby better than me
    talkin' snow for days with your friends in L.A.
    have mercy

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