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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. They really aren't, even leaving aside the Christian principle that Jesus is God, and therefore inspired the entire Bible. Whoever catechized you should probably be excommunicated just because they produced you as a son in the "faith."
  2. Do you think this fellow Marcellus was not given this chance in the 20 years since his conviction? Not to mention the years before that? Paul explains in the very same book that God calls the state to act as an "avenger" and a "terror" to those who do evil. John 8 (presumably you're speaking of the possibly apocryphal story of the woman caught in adultery) describes Jesus rightly seeing the situation as a trap laid by his political and religious enemies, not a discourse against capital punishment. The mandate of the death penalty predates Moses and, in fact, even the founding of the people of Israel in the chronology of the Bible. This sort of sad sack, wimpy, "Enlightenment" focused Christianity is exactly why there are very few men my age and younger, even those to the right of me, who would waste their time attending church on Sunday. Why on earth would I go to church to hear the same drivel (feminism, anti-racism, tolerance, multicult, criminal justice "reform") that was heaped on me through over a decade of public "education?" I know that sort of garbage is all lies, and if a so-called "pastor" would lie about these things, who knows what greater matters (matters supposedly about the fate of the eternal soul) he's lying about?
  3. It’s only hypocrisy if the preborn child in question also committed capital murder. Do you know of any such cases?
  4. It was a decision made by a jury of 12. A state’s attorney has no right to overturn it.
  5. Ah, antinomianism. There truly is nothing new under the sun.
  6. You once again show your ignorance of what is supposedly your own religion, regardless of what your false pontiff might state. In Christianity, the death penalty is required of the state by God.
  7. “Pro life” means anti abortion. A 10 week pre born is worth more than the guy who was rightfully executed last night. Hope this helps.
  8. They really expect us to believe that he robbed this woman but someone else just happened to murder her on the same night. Lol Rest in piss.
  9. He’s 5’4”, lower middle class, endowed like a mouse, and rapidly approaching old age. I think the “new family” ship sailed a while ago.
  10. Not just constituencies, but almost the entire population of those who benefit from their patronage. In a very real sense, the Democratic position is to subsidize and reward domestic terrorism and criminality directed against their enemies. Criminal justice "reform," "banning" guns, narcotic legalization, unlimited importation of third world invaders, and a host of other policies demonstrate this point.
  11. Roundy wants you to think the book was panned because it was false, and also happened to be racist. Fact is, The Bell Curve was panned because it goes against Roundy’s religion. The heritability of intelligence is one of the only facts found through psych research that stands up through the replication crisis.
  12. Actually you should read this and infer why nations fail.
  13. Couple of things here: 1. You do not bring a taser to a knife fight. 2. The knife came out after unsuccessful deployment of a taser. NYPD is a mess and hiring is ***** so we're going to see more of this. But shooting someone who pulls a knife on you is not escalation of force. It's matching force.
  14. Musk is again shown to be not much of an ally. Further note is needed to say that the fare jumper pulled a knife on officers when they attempted to stop him.
  15. Well to your point nearly 100% of Haitians here receive benefits. But I was responding to someone who implies that whites receive an overwhelmingly higher amount of welfare benefits when it’s simply not true.
  16. Heritage black Americans should receive the same treatment and benefits as heritage whites under the law. That figure includes zero Haitians.
  17. Wow, imagine a nation serving its people rather than the foreign horde.
  18. Despite making up a decent majority of the US population, non-Hispanic whites represent less than 45% of welfare recipients. Again, not included in the patronage network. Btw, those “hard working” Haitians receive thousands in gov benefits so that the “good people” of Springfield can pay them bottom tier wages and displace locals who demanded higher wages for their work.
  19. You have to go back too. Btw, whites are the least likely of the groups talked about here to receive or seek “handouts.” The patronage network of the GAE doesn’t include them anyhow.
  20. Just like those white nationalists keeping Haitians out of the Dominican. https://apnews.com/article/dominican-republic-abinader-haiti-migration-border-b9d6663a82e9664ced7623faa234ba77 Abinader picked up the crown. Landslide reelection for him and a complete sweep for his party this year.
  21. Gonna deport you to Haiti too. Via catapult.
  22. Honestly it doesn’t matter if the Haitians are eating pets or rats or mud cakes. They all have to go back. Because they’re Haitian.
  23. Trump campaign dropped the term “remigration” yesterday, OP. We’re so back.
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