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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. As I implied but did not explicitly state: the NCVS doesn't capture homicide victimization because homicide victims are a tough interview. And again, you aren't engaging the OP. He stated "violent crime." Which is what I addressed. But in regard to homicide, in 2013 there were 598 homicides in which the races of both victim and offender were known and one was black while the other white. Over 68% of these cases were black on white homicide. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-homicide/expanded_homicide_data_table_6_murder_race_and_sex_of_vicitm_by_race_and_sex_of_offender_2013.xls
  2. That's fine. I produced a couple. Engage the data. The 2019 split according to the NCVS is closer to 84/16 than OP's figure of 85/15. So yeah totally bad faith poasting.
  3. No, it's not. The OP specified interracial crime splits.
  4. The NCVS isn't perfect but is an important add-on in the conversation. https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv19.pdf
  5. A 2011 report by the Obama admin found that between 1980 and 2008, black homicide offenders were more than 7x as numerous per capita as white homicide offenders. Meanwhile 84% of white homicide victims were killed by other whites and 93% of black homicide victims were killed by other blacks. The majority of violent crime is intraracial, but whites bear the victimization burden of interracial crime (particularly homicides) at a higher rate. https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/homicide-trends-united-states-1980-2008
  6. Fixed your post for you
  7. Sometimes I wake up in the morning Sometimes I dream some more I keep my wounds without a bandage, baby As I come stumblin' through the door Spend my nights in dislocation Talking to spirits on the floor I think I came to find the feeling, baby Between what was mine and what was yours And I came to get hurt Might as well do your worst to me, yeah Have you come here to get her? Have you come to take her away from me? From me, from me Might as well do your worst to me
  8. Just a reminder that every single governor that signed an abortion ban won re-election.
  9. Wrong. Men convicted of nonviolent sex crimes involving only adult victims should be castrated. Anyone convicted of a sex crime involving children or violence should be executed.
  10. lol sure. Meanwhile you make sure you defend your right to tell 2nd graders about where ***** go.
  11. lol eat a dick. I popped in to point out how butthurt you are about an insult from seven years ago. Likewise you pop in about once a year and think you can ask anyone for anything. At least billsy is consistent enough that I’ll have some good faith interaction with him.
  12. Monitor your own thread dude. You're not describing me.
  13. I hope someone rubs their balls on your drum set.
  14. Boomercons were so successful with the en masse bombing of the term "snowflake" against libs in 2016 that it has haunted them ever since.
  15. Reminds me of a story my dad likes to tell. Back in 1980 he was kitchen manager at a restaurant/bar in a small college town. Day after Lennon was killed the college radio station (which was always on in the kitchen) was playing Beatles/Lennon solo songs all day and were taking requests. One of the characters that worked in the kitchen called in and requested live on the air, you guessed it, "Happiness Is a Warm Gun."
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