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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Any updates on the Texas A&M stray bullet? I'm sure I'll be shocked by the outcome.
  2. I know history just fine. The national origins act could have saved America. I could have done without the Polacks but do you think Americans in 1912 had more in common with the Polish than 2023 Americans have with the Guatemalans?
  3. Unless you consider Ireland the third world (I'm on the fence personally) the mass importation of hordes of people who share nothing with America has only been happening for about 60 years.
  4. But remember guys, replacement of a population is a right wing extremist conspiracy theory.
  5. Just need the Sauds to bankroll an expansion.
  6. Yeah. Which may or may not actually be him but if we're going to use it as proof positive that he's a nazi then it's fair to address it from that angle coming the other direction.
  7. His tattoos are brand new lol
  8. LeviF

    Matt Araiza

    Tbh I don't know if he was even detained. I think you can petition for the same remedy if you are but unless there was some official restriction on his freedom at some point I don't think it applies here.
  9. LeviF

    Matt Araiza

    California also: Later in the section it then says that the petitioner may then truthfully answer "no" when asked if arrested on various forms.
  10. LeviF

    Matt Araiza

    In some jurisdictions there actually is, typically found in cases of overturned convictions. Ohio for example:
  11. Mexicans are doing the jobs that Americans don’t want to do. Like white supremacy, apparently.
  12. Outside of the normal nonsense there’s been very little chatter about this from the mainstream left. They stoked Floyd to the max likely because of election year. Research must show that summers of love™️ don’t bode well for incumbents.
  13. Swimsuit season even comes to Buffalo (from 15 July - 22 August)!
  14. I mean he’s not wrong. Putin managed to maneuver himself into becoming one of the most powerful men in the world during the chaos that was Russia after the dissolution of the USSR. He’s at least a standard deviation more cunning and intelligent than most world leaders.
  15. He looks awesome, as do the other NFL guys in the various pics in this thread. Stay mad. And Beane looks like a midget next to these dudes lol
  16. Canada is a psyop - a fake country set up by the UK to spy on America.
  17. You're implying I'm a traitor because I place the USA's interests above those of a people whose nation you probably couldn't point out on a map until a year ago. Interesting take. Always bet on the USA, friend. Don't forget to order a new Ukrainian flag from a Chinese Amazon seller. Yours is probably fading by now.
  18. You seem to be confused. Are you looking for the hoi polloi view from thousands of miles away, or are you looking for Russia's claims regarding their justifications? If the former, I couldn't give a ***** about eurotrash wars except how the USA can profit from it. Whether we will through all these lend-leases to Ukraine remains to be seen but in theory it can work. If the latter, google is your friend, Sue.
  19. Back to “statistics are racist.”
  20. You know it’s strange, I’ve known a lot of “unhoused” people in my life. The vast majority of them slept in some combination of vehicles, friends’ couches, and shelters. Similarly, the vast majority of them were either working or earnestly seeking work and didn’t engage in flagrantly anti-social behaviors such as punching senior citizens or pushing women onto subway tracks. It’s almost as though being homeless does not make one a criminal vagrant.
  21. Hating gays is only a crime if you’re White or Asian. Blacks, who nearly all by themselves got prop 8 passed in California, are unassailable in the leftist religion. Is it hypocrisy? No, because blacks are free from original sin (racism) and thus incapable of committing wrongthink.
  22. The evidence that the left has already manufactured the "future" conservatives constantly warn about is abundant in this very thread. Neely is a saint, a martyr, just like George Floyd. No matter your status, if you step in to stop him from pushing a woman onto the subway tracks or beating the hell out of an elderly woman you are committing the mortal sin of not permitting black crime, which is the legal and moral equivalent of Lynching™️.
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