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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I wear a 38" inseam. Options are limited.
  2. Infamous white supremacist Sai Varshith Kandula 😂😂😂
  3. "White supremacy movements are the biggest domestic terror threat in the nation" is another "the woke are more correct than the mainstream" moment. Southern border laid completely open to anyone? Not a threat to the regime because every one that ends up voting votes for democrats. 13% of the population committing 60% of all homicides? Not a threat to the regime, black crime holds territory for them. Antifa goon squads? NOI thought becoming mainstream? Foreign infiltration of every admin agency? Etc. etc. etc.
  4. The Ts have been part of the “movement” since its inception. As were the, erm, “Pluses” for some time. The trans movement on its own is admittedly new. But it is the natural consequence of tolerating the LGB deviancy to begin with. After the civil rights act passed, it was only a matter of time.
  5. You’ve been trained for years to ignore things like this or write them off as outlier situations by the media and your fellow mainstream “conservatives” for decades. If you even mentioned the fact that black people could ruin any random white person’s life just by posting video of said white person objecting to a black person committing crime against them, you were cancelled and shunned. Which is why this needs to be broadcast to the world. Too many white conservatives have fooled themselves into thinking there’s a political solution for this. There isn’t. Your rights were stripped away. You don’t have freedom of association. You’re trapped with these people.
  6. Hiring standards are down across the board. Including at the federal level. Gotten to the point where the USSS is doing yearlong direct hire authority postings. It's a ***** job which is part of it but the pool has dried up and with mandatory retirement at 57 they've been bleeding personnel for a while. As for locals and state...pay cops $15/hr you're going to get $15/hr cops.
  7. The Cardi B guide to getting rich. Nice
  8. Gang members do it all the time. But what does LA County mean by "deputy gangs?" I feel like nobody has explained this. Is there organized criminal activity involved? Or conspiracies to conceal work-related malfeasance? Membership in a criminal gang is one of the automatic disqualifiers for sworn positions in every state in the union.
  9. Group of black guys try to steal a bike from a pregnant white woman, make her cry and record her crying claiming that she's a racist, and she loses her job. But muh systemic racism!
  10. Yeah I will concede neither 1. that Neely was killed intentionally nor 2. that this happened because of Neely’s criminal record. Neely threatened to murder people on a train, and a few men intervened to stop him from committing violent acts. Neely then died some time after the struggle concluded. Neely killed Neely as much as anybody did, with a major assist from NYC and the NYPD catch and release program.
  11. “I was talking with Patton Oswalt about this whole Bill Cosby thing and he said ‘the worst part about this is the hypocrisy.’ And I disagree. I think the worst part is the rape.” -Norm
  12. The only gang members LA county will ever prosecute lol
  13. Again, using the verbal equivalent of witchcraft to wave away statistical disparities doesn’t work. Everyone has a camera. We see it in real time.
  14. Post-truth society, America style: if an obese black woman says it then it is fact. Yeah those 20 year old former slaves getting possessed by the demon James Crow causing them to shoot each other at rather impressive rates.
  15. Statistically, what endangers black men is other black men.
  16. He's touched more than that.
  17. Last I saw the DA said no charges.
  18. Oak Hill has hosted the PGA Championship and the US Open. It has also hosted a Ryder Cup. Oak Hill is also notable as the site of one of Charles Coe's US Amateur titles. For obvious reasons it has never hosted The British Open.
  19. LeviF

    2023 Concerts

    2004 was lit
  20. LeviF

    2023 Concerts

    I think we're past the point in the timeline that anyone going to see the tattered remains of Yes is a "casual fan."
  21. LeviF

    2023 Concerts

    Because of the change of style?
  22. That’s not the point nor what the image claims lol. The left can’t meme example 12763.
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