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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Alright! The yanks are coming! USA! All the way!
  2. You may be one of the most unproductive trolls I've ever seen.
  3. They're using the flip command for BBcode. I think it requires some modification in order for it to work.
  4. Nov. 18, 2001. If I remember correctly, Seattle kicked a game winning field goal as time expired. Refs missed a delay of game on that field goal I think. Still had fun though.
  5. College. In between classes. My late birthday fools many.
  6. Have you told your family you're a necrophiliac yet?
  7. In all seriousness, and I think it has been said numerous times already, a team that is only 2 or 3 wins away from the playoffs may look better to a high-profile coach.
  8. That was the best. We were trying to get them to stay for the rest of the game, but for some reason they didn't want to sit through it.
  9. I was in section 333, and it seemed to me like the intensity in there was turned all the way up. I know the two fish fans in my row motivated me to get up and yell even more than I usually do when the Bills are on D. i do agree that the Buffalo-Miami rivalry is pretty much dead, though. Too many mediocre or bad teams over the last 10 years and the cities are just too far apart. Not to mention the Patriots* are becoming more loathed by the week by both fan bases.
  10. My college here has a Big Brothers Big Sisters office and my friend is currently a big brother. He says that it's one of the greatest things he has ever done with his time. His "little brother" is a great kid who was in a bad situation for a while. All the checking and references are justified, I think, due to how closely these "bigs" work with children.
  11. There aren't any such photos of me
  12. I don't get it what's s- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
  13. I somehow doubt that.
  14. My friend is a liberal, but he doesn't ride a Harley
  15. I feel like a winner!
  16. I didn't mean to imply that the Scientific Method says God doesn't exist, I was trying to say that it couldn't be applied at all, so many scholars withhold belief for that reason. I agree with everything you said in this post. I can't stand people who proselytize, no matter what their beliefs (or non-beliefs) are. If you want to have a healthy debate, that's one thing. Shoving your beliefs down someone's throat is completely another.
  17. I realize that all methodology is fallible, and the Scientific Method cannot be applied to everything. Your example (if it's correct, I don't know because I don't have a physics degree) would certainly demonstrate this. I think, however, that you just reiterated my point, that the existence of God cannot be proven or dis-proven, especially with our current, fallible, methodologies. I was trying to say that believers who try to parody non-believers by saying, "Oh, I can't see gravity, does that exist?" aren't quite following correctly.
  18. You know, I always try to take your posts seriously, but I can't thanks to that avatar of yours. I always read your posts in his voice
  19. It's great when you're falling, and you get control and pull out of the fall and start flying.
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