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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I don't get it what's s- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
  2. I didn't mean to imply that the Scientific Method says God doesn't exist, I was trying to say that it couldn't be applied at all, so many scholars withhold belief for that reason. I agree with everything you said in this post. I can't stand people who proselytize, no matter what their beliefs (or non-beliefs) are. If you want to have a healthy debate, that's one thing. Shoving your beliefs down someone's throat is completely another.
  3. I realize that all methodology is fallible, and the Scientific Method cannot be applied to everything. Your example (if it's correct, I don't know because I don't have a physics degree) would certainly demonstrate this. I think, however, that you just reiterated my point, that the existence of God cannot be proven or dis-proven, especially with our current, fallible, methodologies. I was trying to say that believers who try to parody non-believers by saying, "Oh, I can't see gravity, does that exist?" aren't quite following correctly.
  4. You know, I always try to take your posts seriously, but I can't thanks to that avatar of yours. I always read your posts in his voice
  5. It's great when you're falling, and you get control and pull out of the fall and start flying.
  6. Sagan's (and many non-believing scholars') problem with the concept of God is not that he is not provable, it's that you can't apply the scientific method to God at all. Not only can it not be proved, it can't be disproved (as a whole). There are? Back to the scientific method. You can apply the scientific method to gravity, and show relations that prove calculus works as we express it. I don't know enough about metaphysics to say anything here.
  7. I'm surprised dellapelle john hasn't jumped on this yet.
  8. A firing squad is one thing, but I think you're starting to tread on thin ice here. Letting family members get revenge, IMO, only encourages vigilantism.
  9. Well when it's still 40 decibels or higher after going through some walls, it must be fairly loud. 40 decibels is enough to disturb one's reading, at least.
  10. Guess that's my fault for not looking at the url first.
  11. I think there should have been a 72a: Do not serve salad on a hot plate. I hate warm lettuce.
  12. Thanks, it's been said. It's odd how medals used to actually mean something and now virtually everyone who has served gets them. I had no clue seeing as how I'm not affiliated with the military in any way. I guess it's one of those "morale boosting" bull **** tactics.
  13. Admittedly, she did make a concession.
  14. Say what? Doesn't the term "obese" imply that you aren't healthy?
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