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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Fixed that for you.
  2. Lori can explain it best, I think. Bumping this to the top so that she might see it. Man, you're mean
  3. So they aren't complete freaks of nature?
  4. My condolences, Mead
  5. Geez, what is this country coming to?
  6. No, you got me wrong. I saw the sex scene online, my confusion was toward the other part of your post.
  7. ...wat
  8. Did you hear that Hitler's mad about the TO signing?
  9. I like to call it "Dances With Smurfs"
  10. It had to do with your new handle, not the attractive lady.
  11. Picking up physics, are we?
  12. Well, when you need a "revelation" in 1978 to allow blacks in your temple ceremonies and to be ordained as priests...
  13. Double albums count as 1 then?
  14. Same here, today I'll go with: #1 #2 As for an honorable mention, I'd have to go with this one.
  15. They also happen to be nazis.
  16. Damn straight. My followers don't take anyone's ****. :worthy:
  17. You forgot Bishop Hedd.
  18. What? With your 15:14 post? What are you talking about?
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