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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. That's pretty funny. I don't understand these protesters. Don't they have anything better to do with their time? It's not even that I necessarily disagree with their points,it's more their strident,extremist attitude that amazes me. I used to live near a Planned Parenthood clinic and would walk thru their protests on the way to the grocery store. Those people were just nuts. Yelling and pushing gory pictures in your face. I think they do harm to their cause rather than help it.


    Are you talking about the WBC or protesters in general?

  2. Did you see the new study... Texting ban NOT making roads safer:




    A national crackdown on distracted driving takes an unexpected turn today. A new study shows that the number of traffic crashes did not drop in three states and the District of Columbia after they banned drivers from using handheld cell phones.


    The Highway Loss Data Institute, an affiliate of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, examined insurance claims for crash damage in New York, Connecticut, California and Washington, D.C., before and after handheld bans took effect and found no reduction in crashes.


    "Absolutely, we were surprised by these results," said Adrian Lund, president of the highway institutes. An Insurance Institute study in 2000 found that drivers talking on cell phones were four times as likely to crash as drivers not using phones. "The key finding is that crashes aren't going down where handheld phone use has been banned," Lund said.

    Too bad they can't actually find out how many people obey the new laws.

  3. WTF kind of horse-shat is that first sentence? Experience carries MORE merit than some half-baked "educational" knowledge. Try sharing a shelter half with someone sometime. Now imagine that dude is openly gay and known for making advances on fellow soldiers. Yeah, that's awesome.



    Bottom line is that the standards of behavior should make it clear that making romantic advances on any of your fellow soldiers is grounds for reprimand (I believe it is), gay or not. That's my stance on it. You can be gay or straight, but don't make your sexuality a problem.

  4. Know what I love about this debate? Most of the tools who are pro- queer soldiers serving openly never served themselves.

    Not trying to get argument-ably involved here, but have military commanders/generals come out with any arguments against repealing don't ask don't tell? Just curious at this point. I can't remember seeing any.

  5. Bingo!


    That is exactly why I seriously commented in Cincy's consumer thread forum about the wireless network. At my home is it really necessary if you go that strong of route. 64 characters... Eeegads!


    You should see the old-timers here... If it wasn't for my trusty manila envelope (with the last ten years information in it)... I would look equally as stupid as them trying to get into various systems.


    Hard to believe Tom that I actually look smarter than somebody... :worthy: Not by much.


    I contend that my note taking system would baffle anybody (along with my posts)!




    Anyway... Doesn't one need a password to get into these programs? What is that 64 ASCII characters? :thumbsup: Isn't that basically an Achilles Heel too??

    64 characters for your home wireless network is probably a bit much. A 16 character password would be sufficient. Anything guarded with less than a 12 character password is just asking to be stolen.

  6. Contrast that with the ad that CBS rejected during the Super Bowl in 2005 from the United Church of Christ that promoted that organization's inclusion of gays, racial minorities and people with disabilities. CBS put out a statement staying that it was "too controversial" and "unacceptable for broadcast." Not sure how they justify taking the $3 million in this case.


  7. Why, the man (StupidNation) has yet to show a hint of Christian hope or charity.

    He addressed that here:


    And if any of you idiots think you understand Christianity and think this is non-Christian is as much of a lie as your own life. I would be a liar like you if I said otherwise. To speak the truth and rebuke you monsters is as Christian as the "peace" and flowers message which is a ersatz of the truth.


    :w00t: :w00t:

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