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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. My early bet is actually on Coldplay, as much as I despise them.
  2. All I'm saying is, African-Americans have changed what they want to be called so many times that I'm not even sure if African-American is the PC term anymore.
  3. Haven't you learned not to be sucked in by a crayonz post yet?
  4. Just have another beer. It'll all go away. Here, it's on me
  5. Probably doesn't qualify as a non-household name, but I've always been fond of Brad Delp's (Boston) singing. For female, I'll say Shirley Manson (Garbage).
  6. New journal update up: Got home at a reasonable hour last night....nineish....and ate some of Trisha's enchiladas. After eating neighbor Carol and Bill's brownies and drinking a cup of cocoa I was ready to sleep. First good night in a long while. Got the girls off to school bright and early then commenced to scrubbing this house from stem to stern. It looks like our boy is coming home this afternoon! Yesterday, they put in an iv access point in his arm (he's had one in his lower neck/upper chest). I'm gonna have to get over any squeamishness because apparently I am responsible for some sort of flushing/cleaning/drug administering process. My mind went blank when the nurse was telling me about it. All I heard was blahblahblood, blahblahdanger, bloodbloodblahblah. Gonna have to get them to repeat it and take notes. Next week will be full of out patient visits to specialists: ENT guy, Dr. Matrix, physical therapy, etc. Looks like I won't be back at work until the week after next. Playing it by ear, no pun intended. Off to clorox the bathroom. Love to all and thanks. !@#$ yeah!
  7. I know. I saw the B-52's when they opened for The Police at MSG. They do put on a great show.
  8. If you see a faded sign by the side of the road...
  9. You know I never minded listening to Green Day. I was never big into the "punk" genre in the first place, so maybe their little "punk lite" thing just worked out well for me. Saw them in concert for free last summer and it was a fun show. They got some chick in the audience to come up and play lead guitar for "Jesus of Suburbia/Whatever the other friggin titles of that song are."
  10. No wonder you got such a low score. Skipping questions. Cheater!
  11. It's awful in my town. Paid $26 for my last one (including tip). That being said, I got 33% according to the first one. That's probably just residual gay from all the people I know here at college
  12. I'm damn young and I didn't know that ****.
  13. Finding a poll whose author didn't throw in their little shots at the people taking the poll would probably help your case here. Just a little.
  14. OK I couldn't help but laugh at that. Don't ever say I can't laugh at myself.
  15. Technically, my contract doesn't start until summer. Sorry.
  16. Pearl Harbor was the one I was going to talk about. Like I said, they ignore some facts and cherry-pick others. Not exactly an objective movie.
  17. I guess that depends on how you define "profit." Their motivation is that they would "profit" from the United States getting the hell out of "their" countries.
  18. Honestly, don't let it rock you too much. They make some valid points in that movie, but for the most part they cherry-pick facts. If you have specific questions about it, feel free to ask.
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