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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. Look at you, giving someone else's opinion as your own. Novel.


    Listen, I know the thing was over 30 pages long so you've had a tough time finding someone to read it to you and explain the big words. That doesn't change the fact that guy wasn't a right winger (nor am I, so I'm not surprised you can't discern the difference). Though I'm not surprised you want him to be since your masters are so busy kicking their own asses even you are trying to distance yourself from them.

    "The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."


    "The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed."


    Damn. It's like I was in that airplane. :wallbash:

    "As government agencies go, the FAA is often justifiably referred to as a tombstone agency, though they are hardly alone. The recent presidential puppet GW Bush and his cronies in their eight years certainly reinforced for all of us that this criticism rings equally true for all of the government."


    That sounds so very right wing.


    Being pissed off about taxes isn't owned solely by any group, nor should it be.


    About the only thing you know anything about is "incredibly boring screeds", which is pretty much your modus operandi.

    Why do you even bother?


    P.S. Sarah Palin

  2. That is true. One good volcanic eruption can dramatically increase the CO2 in the atmosphere. Glad we established that fact. It will make us all feel a lot better when the poles melt.



    Not my point. I've been watching people throw around something akin to "climate change doesn't happen" for months. It's not a question of whether or not climate change happens, it's whether or not more volatile climate change is now happening thanks to human contributions.

  3. No, seeing I was working in restaurants with no retirement and low income she was working in law firms with 401k plans and good salary. My wife is not a spender (I assume that's what Darin was talking about) she is frugal like me. And here we are nearly 30 years later with a very nice nest egg.

    Ah, I got the impression at some point that you had substantial income when you got married. My mistake.

  4. That is true, at least he's talking nuclear energy plants. Hmm...wonder were he got that idea from?






    As for the first part, he was and still is a liar. Just like the classic liberal politician, he had no intention of living up to his high standards which got him elected in the first place. Americans took a big chance on a guy with virtually no record or experience and they got burned. The evidence of the anger towards Obama is the last three elections in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts. If it's so hard to live up to what you say then he should have never run in the first place. For the first time in history, the people are holding their politicians accountable, there are no excuses. Especially with an excuse starting out like "It is a known fact that politicians exaggerate..."

    Fixed that for you.

  5. Someone explain the Peter Pan pic to me please. I've been posting here for a while and often open the disguised link to the gay guy in the Peter Pan outfit. Is there an inside joke I am missing or is it just a humorous inside way of tricking someone to unexpectedly viewing that freak. Do explain.

    Lori can explain it best, I think. Bumping this to the top so that she might see it.


    Man, you're mean :bag:

  6. Scientists have been analyzing ancient DNA for years - and in fact, they've found out enough about the extinct Neanderthals' genetic code to conclude that at least some of them were redheads.

    So they aren't complete freaks of nature? :bag:

  7. You have to get the DVD when it comes out. The sex scene wont be cut from the movie!!!!!! You actually get to see how the Navi's have sex. It will be an awesome experience that i will try to replicate someday. And yes I suffer from avatar depression. I wish I lived on Pandora and become a Navi.


  8. Tebow? Hmm..... Hadn't given him much thought. Thanks for bringing him up, I'll have to do a little research. I wonder if there is any analysis out there about how his game projects to the NFL?

    Did you hear that Hitler's mad about the TO signing?

  9. Caught it in the center seats of an iMax 3D theater, enjoyed the visuals (thanks largely to some culinary delights prepared by my roommate), but incredibly, I was more underwhelmed by the movie than I figured I would be.


    That is all.

    I like to call it "Dances With Smurfs"

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