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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. Actually, and maybe this can help wrap up this thread...I don't think they had the HD broadcasting equipment at the rink and therefore couldn't broadcast on an HD channel. Could this be right? I heard this explanation from a guy at work. No links, sorry. If this is the case, then I would say it was a pretty big mistake by the execs at NBC. Especially if the viewing numbers are true.

    The liberals stole all the HD equipment so that we had to watch it in standard def.

  2. They're great seeing you can run them through your computer and play along with anything. Make sure you get one with the mesh heads, not the rubber ones. The mesh feels very much like a real drum had and is a bit quieter for your neighbors or people you live with.

    Thanks for the tip. I think I'd have a ton of fun with running it through my computer, despite how much I love playing an acoustic set.

  3. Roland TD-6 V. I have not had an acoustic set in probably 30 years but I love this set and just have a blast with it.

    I've been thinking about getting an electric set that I can transport between here at college and my parent's house fairly easily. I've been missing my acoustic set because even if I could get it here easily, I'd have no room for it.

  4. Reading (history, classic horror fiction, mysteries), cooking (right now I'm on a charcuterie kick and I will get a smoker this summer), collecting and drinking wine, playing drums. Sailing was one in SoCal but have yet to get out there up here.

    What do you have for a set?


    And to answer the question: golf, tennis, playing drums, amassing music, reading (history, science, alternative history), cooking, and writing argumentative essays.

  5. wow!.. is this ed schultz?.. either that or you must be a college professor. you know, the type that is insulated from the real world. i have not read such drivel since i read excerpts from bill ayers book, the radical from the 60's who was a usa bred terrorist and an obama acquaintance . people like you are scary.. especially if you actually believe the crap you are espousing.. it is also a shame you cannot make your point without the use of profanity, but not surprising..

    Hoo boy, still going strong. That challenger needs to come back fiercely if he wants to grab the top spot.

  6. You can't be that dumb......You must be snorting that Glen Beck,Quitter Palin , koolaide......Non-liberals spent like druken sailors ..... slept around like hound dogs on their wives ask Vitter from Lousiana or ensign from Nevada or worst yet play with little boys like you favorite conservative from Idaho...........................You don't dare try to put this crisis on this President when the past President couldnt keep me safe with the 911 attacks then send my family off to Iraq when the person who planned 911(Bin Laden) was in Afghanastan......under this President we capture or eliminated more taliban then the past President did in 7 years.......I am not even going to get into my 401 k turning into 101k because of the past President..............................You lost your :unsure: mind if you going to try to blame this on President Obama. I seen what Bush did to this country.. too bad you didn't open your mouth when busch was :w00t: the country..............................Sorry for calling you dumb but don't bring your Fox (people thats not from our country that does nothing but lie) commentary on this site try to stick to sports.......Thanks....... Bye the way its a great game ......Go USA

    A challenger appears!

  7. my opinion, not judgment, is based on how NBC operates. they are clueless. as i am seeing they appeal to most of the people on here, like-minded,liberal, uninformed . guess i should do as most liberal's like, i should keep quiet . let the people listen to rachel maddow and go on my way



    that is what you get when liberal's run anything!,,.look at what friggin obama is doing to the country, then you can understand why you get a cluterf----- when the olberman's of the world run anything, its not him, but his way of thinking permeates nbc's!

    Equating Olberman to Obama =/= judgment. :doh:

    Implying that all of NBC's producers think like Olberman =/= judgment. :worthy:

    Implying that all liberals do is !@#$ things up, all of the time =/= judgment. :D


    Thanks for opening my eyes <_<



    Implying that I watch NBC for news. :worthy:

    Implying that I'm liberal. :rolleyes:

    Implying that I watch Maddow's show. :rolleyes:


    I think I'm done here.

  8. I think small aircraft should be equiped with a wireless device that shuts off the motor automatically when the proper signal is recieved. Then put a beacon on buildings to be protected that transmit a mile or so. Then when a plane approaches the unsafe distance the plane shuts off and crashes. Problem solved.


    Next problem for me to solve please.

    Would never happen. The plane would just crash into another building or into pedestrians below.

  9. Not to stir the flames any more than what they are, but how is this any different than the use of your company owned / issued computer. Do you seriously think that there is nothing running in the background checking on what sites you are visting or what you are typing into emails and such?

    Programs that check what websites you use aren't taking pictures of you while you're in the privacy of your own home.

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