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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. That's the standard line, but it stands to reason that 'poor' people of any race are not the ones typically eating in sit down restaurants. A difference of 3% on a $50 bill is a buck and a half. Not exactly an amount that's pushing anyone into the poor house if they are already spending $50 on dinner.


    I've had numerous friends who worked as waiters when they were young and blacks tipping poorly was a common complaint. Call it a 'cultural difference' or whatever, but the numbers seem to support the assertion.



    I appreciate Jaun relating the poll information, but I grew up in the food service industry, waiting on tables for about 10 years, and I don't need a poll to tell me blacks are lousy tippers. And it wasn't a "sometimes" thing, it was "virtually every time" thing.


    No matter what restaurant, no matter what meal, no matter how expensive the meal, as a waiter you had to remind yourself that you were about to get stiffed, and to rely on the wait staff adage: What you lose on the merry-go-round you'll make up on the carousel.



    Nope, it's more cultural than anything else. When I was waiting on tables back in college, we would get some of the professional football players to come to the restaurant or some of the hip hop "moguls" and they still wouldn't tip worth a ****.


    So, I'm not buying the "poor" excuse.

    Guess I was pretty !@#$ing wrong. :lol: I've never worked in the food service industry, and hopefully never will, so I'll take your guys' word for it.

  2. You're darn right, Wisconsin! I'm tired of it, too. What we need to do is get some White Christian Males elected to positions of political power and we've got to put pressure on some of these companies to hire MORE persons of WCM. Eventually, we'll get some WCM's in C-level positions at lower-level Fortune 500 companies. Once that happens, then we could have a conversation about us WCM's not being persecuted and demonized, but NOT UNTIL we have AT LEAST 10 Senators and 20% of Fortune 500 Company CEO's. Then we'll talk. Until then, I will continue to believe that us WCM's are being demonized, simply because of our skin color and religious affiliation.



    I must admit, I didn't catch on for a little bit. I'm tired today, but until the end of the second sentence, my face was more like a <_<

  3. Tipping - I almost always double the tax and round up to the nearest dollar. At 9.5% out here that usually works out to more than 20%. I usually have a "minimum" tip when I visit a cheapo place like an ihop or similar local establishment, which is typically $4 unless the service was awful, in which case I'll adjust accordingly. Servers earn larger tips from me if they keep my beverage filled and are actually visible if I need something. Too many of them stay in the kitchen for five minutes when I run out of something like bread, ketchup, cocktail sauce, whatever.


    Pickup - never, the only exception being a place like Outback that'll take it out to your car, when I'll usually leave $2.


    Another note. I NEVER complain about my meal. Ever - I've been brought the wrong thing and I'll still eat it... but I've never been in a situation where a completely different entree has been brought out. I've read about and heard too many horror stories with chefs and wait staff retaliating against complainers that I simply won't do it.

    That last part reminds me of a story. My dad was executive chef at the Glen Iris, and every weekend the same old woman would come in and order the prime rib "well done." No matter how much they cooked it, she would always send it back because it wasn't done enough, never failed. Eventually, they just started throwing a piece of prime rib in the broiler and cooking it until you could barely cut it, then soaking it in au jus until she came in. Then they would heat it up and bring it out to her.


    P.S. She still sent it back.

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