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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. I had that feeling Jack... I didn't want to offend you by questioning you openly right off the bat. :P I might for a lot of stuff, but nothing along the lines with messing with an almost flawless functioning OS. :D


    I didn't fall off the pumpkin truck yesterday... ;)

    Delete system 32. It'll run a lot faster after that. :rolleyes:















    Please don't actually do that.

  2. I have a question to all of you about this subject.


    How do the words "One nation under God", become harmful to people?

    Once god starts taking it seriously, he/she/it will realize how awful we are and just kill all of us, Sodom and Gomorrah style :P

  3. I guess I should have used different words instead of "feel sorry for". But it's the same way I kinda "feel sorry" for people that don't like sports. They are missing out on all the fun I have following sports,that's all. And if you don't believe in God you can't get those same feelings from faith that I do. I can't see how we could disagree on that.

    I don't know what exactly you feel, but I get a kind of "rush," I suppose, from going out to the middle of a field on a clear night, laying down, and just staring at the stars and thinking about what's going on out there. There's a certain feeling about it that is probably comparable to what you feel during a "faith experience." For me, just knowing that I'm here, that I'm in this universe, on this planet, living this life, is enough.


    I had the opportunity to listen to a talk given by former evangelical preacher Dan Barker. One of the interesting things that he said was that when he was a Christian, he could feel something inside of him, a kind of "high," when he would speak in tongues or get really into a sermon he was doing. He gets the same feeling nowadays while playing jazz piano.

  4. You're trippin dude. I am not looking down on you or anybody else.You're just hella sensitive about this for some reason.

    Oh no?



    I see alot of cats here that don't have a belief in God. That's cool and I hope I don't come off as preachy,but I kinda feel sorry for you guys. I was raised Catholic and have a deep belief in God. It's a comforting feeling that I guess you guys can't know. I know there's more than just the material world that we are now living in. When I go to mass I always leave with 2 things. 1.a little nugget of wisdom that I take from the Homily (sermon). Sometimes it's something that applies directly to everyday life,sometimes it's just a different way of looking at things that opens your eyes a bit. 2.a warm,content feeling of confidence.I'm not sure why,other than it just reaffirms your faith. Like I said I hope I don't come off as trying to force my beliefs on anybody. Just wanted to share my thoughts on the subject.

    That's odd.

  5. Pascal's wager is overrated. I know that I can't know there is a god. What does Pascal suggest? That I need to fake god out and pretend that I believe.


    Ridiculous. If there's a god, I doubt he'd be thrilled to know I was faking my belief.

    Also, which god are you going to "wager" on? Zeus? Anubis? Thor? Allah?


    Pascal's wager is a load of ****.

  6. "Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved, what harm will come to you if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation, that He exists.


    Blaise Pascal

    You're too smart (at least I think so) than to cite Pascal's wager, Cincy.


    And I was more commenting on how you called out Promo for bringing politics into this, and with the next post you throw out a theist taunt.

  7. These words are a wedge to get the toe of religion into the door of state. How many times have you heard evangelicals point to the pledge or a dollar bill and proclaim it as proof that America is a Christian nation? Don't kid yourself. These words are as heavy as they get.



    And I would say that they're just as bad (or worse) as this guy taking it to court. I don't like it, but it's not something I'm going to spend money/time on.


    Besides, when an evangelical says that, you might as well slap a "stupid" sticker on them right then and there. God =/= Jesus.

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