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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. You have idiots on both sides. It doesn't make it right. From my own experience, lefties tend to be more angry than righties. It wasn't always like that. It seems to be escalating out of control from the left.

    You're going to get nowhere with this. People from the left will just say, "Well, 'from my own experience,' righties tend to be more angry than lefties." There's really no way to quantify it, so you're just left with, "Him!" "No, them!"

  2. Like I give two chocolate and peanut rolls if you THINK I'm conservative...I am conservative...just not the intolerant ridiculous jaggoff kind...I'm the kind that is conservative in spending, praise efficiency, believe in smaller government and more citizen responsibility and accountability...not the kind that goes gay bashing, burns crosses, thinks becuase Jesus died for our sins that we need not take any responsibility for our ignorance or actions...I know I know...being a thinking conservative I would not be allowed to your Tea Klan rallies...but that's a gooooood thing...because if I were there, I doubt I'd just hold a sign ;0)...AND....what is the reason you doubt that I am conservative...is it because I married a black woman?...or because I said you shouldn't make fun of a sick guy....????? YOU'RE A COMPLETE :thumbsup: REJECT INBRED :( LOSER hows that...is that fiery enough to get my conservative :censored: card?????...or do I have to throw dollars???

    Woah. Hey. I think he was making a tongue-in-cheek joke.

  3. The girl who runs our business processing at our corporate office just posted this on Facebook. "I love BJs" I'm so tempted to post "so do I" unfortunately Facebook doesn't have this :D smilie for me to add at the end of my post.

    :P Do it anyway!

  4. “Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.” — French Premier Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929)


    Though I have to admit I was disappointed when I found out Dennis Hopper had become a conservative.

    Geez. I don't have much time left to grow a heart.

  5. Without any doubt, I'd rather share a ride in a car with someone who just had a beer vs. someone who just smoked a joint. I call tell you this, I don't want any on the road who has just smoked a joint any more than I want a drunk.


    As for zero "weed-related" deaths....humm....tell that one to those that have died in drug wars and also, where did you garner your "facts", Tommy Chong?

    Just to comment on the drug wars point, legalizing marijuana would put a lot of drug cartels out of business or force them to move to harder drugs. I know I'd purchase weed grown by growers who have to follow government regulations before I'd purchase it from some drug dealer who might have laced it with god-knows-what.

  6. Marijuana is illegal because it is addictive and a psychoactive (mind altering) drug. That gives it a high abuse potential and lands it on the DEA's list of scheduled drugs. Since it has no accepted medical use that lands it in the schedule I category.


    Look, I don't mind or care if you or anyone else enjoys smoking pot regularly. That's your business, and that's fine with me. But when people want to characterize marijuana as "harmless" and that it should be legalized because so many people have tried it, well that's just plain ignorant.


    I have never done it, would never do it and I know many people who are the same way. I also know many people who have tried it (like my wife for one) and would never do it again. And having known a couple of intelligent people in high school who got addicted to it and threw their life in the crapper because of it, I will certainly step forward to voice my opinion when all the pot smokers try and pretend it's harmless. You can do what you want, but this is a forum on opinions and now you know mine.


    I fully realize marijuana has a great tox profile but that does not make it "harmless" and meriting legalization.


    BTW, I am not a socialist and am not a proponnent of socialized medicine.

    Care to tell us why Salvia is legal to distribute, grow, and smoke, then?

  7. Nah...if she was a minor, then the responsibility falls on her parents. While they both sound like a couple of winners as well, the release they had to sign pretty much shuts them out. As such, I'd be surpised if Disney settles as it would open the door for every other person who acted like a jackass on the show to cash in.

    Not to mention Disney's legal team could probably shut this down without a problem.

  8. Sorry your wrong. Comin from a former toker, it still shows how stupid the guy is. I don't want another Marshowmetwentybucks on this team. Do you think Brett Farve, Peyton Manning or Drew Brees is lighting up? Especially prior to their first professional job interview with 3 months notice! I would hire the clean guy over the dirty guy every time before I put a million dollars in their pocket.

    My only problem with those players would, indeed, be the fact that they were smoking probably less than a month before their "interview of a lifetime." That's just plain stupid.

  9. When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

    Opiate WD is The SUCK!

    I was on a femidol drip in the hospital once. That stuff is great, but it was hell when they took me off of it when combined with trauma from surgery. Best of luck to you, and as someone said, don't be afraid to tell people, because they can only help you if they know.

  10. What I find humorous is that all the years I attended Catholic schools I don't ever recall opening a bible once...ever. I do remember going to mass everyday before lunch @ St Barnabas though. Bible study? No such thing though we did have prayer books.

    That's because the Catholic hierarchy didn't want the common folk reading the bible.

  11. Nah, I'll do what I please. But, thanks for telling me how and what to think. If it bugs you to be called out on making the same stupid comment over and over again...well, then don't do it. My keen police mind tells me that you were looking for a fight on the issue, however. The same mind tells me that no matter how valid the point I make and the time/effort I put into making it, it will not matter.


    I have no interest in wasting the next 3 hours of my life properly articulating my reasoning to you.

    You didn't "call him out," you used the ad hominem. And he wasn't telling you "how and what to think," either.

  12. I've been making a few like that repeatedly, which no one's paid attention to. Dedicated homeopaths and naturopaths as well - the seriously nutty one's who don't partake in health care resources. They're required to buy insurance and not use it, now? Or are insurers going to be required to cover it? Which would mean that such "oogie-boogie medicine" either 1) needs to be vetted by the legislatively-mandated panel that evaluates the effectiveness of and recommends treatments, or 2) there will need to be exceptions to what can be considered by said panel.


    That's just one example demonstrating where my oppisition to this law lies (or at least most of it). It's no secret or surprise that I'm against socialized medicine - I don't believe it's a "civilized nation's" responsibility to take care of the citizens, I believe it's the nation's responsibility to get the hell out of the way and let the citizens take care of themselves. But this abortion of a law is so poorly considered and constructed that even I have to admit that a true socialized system would be a better solution than what was just passed.

    I don't know about the homeopaths and naturopaths, but can't Scientific Christians, in this bill, be exempt if they have religious objections to it?

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