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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I'm no liberal. I like the constitution Edit: Wait, maybe you're getting this vibe from my Ayn Rand comments? I like Ayn Rand, just not the loonies who tote around The Fountainhead everywhere they go
  2. I think you have me confused with someone else. I quite like my private health care, thanks very much. Edit: Now that I've gone through every post I've made in PPP in threads about health care, I can say that I don't support, and have never supported, this "health care" bill that was rammed through congress. Now I'm really wondering where you got this idea from.
  3. That's my point, although more accurately put.
  4. As does the constitution.
  5. Pre-court tea...
  6. She hangs around. I see her post in the Shout! box once in a while.
  7. It makes too much sense. We're too goddamn smart for that.
  8. The Jews rule the world!
  10. I can't wait until the day that it is proven beyond all doubt that being homosexual is not a choice. Then those of you who currently claim otherwise will either have to embrace them (God is love, right?) or just admit you hate them because they're "different."
  11. One of my favorite t-shirts: http://www.amazon.com/Blow-Old-School-Cart...t/dp/B000XH947K
  12. Nothing will ever top Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Ocarina of Time, and SM64 for me.
  13. And let volunteers dole out said punishment?
  14. I don't own a current gen console. Don't feel bad (not that you do, or I do, for that matter).
  15. I'll do a rousing rendition of "99 Problems." Not even Jay-Z can beat Jay-Z.
  16. Does anyone else not click any of RSteely's youtube links?
  17. Fern Gully
  18. I rather enjoy the... Also, this: Skip to 3:34
  19. I think he was really directing it to the post above yours.
  20. Edit: Says the guy waiting for Civ V with bated breath.
  21. Arbitrary group names are fun!
  22. Good luck there. Tom is as forthcoming with knowledge that can further your mind as he is with links.
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