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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Well it was going to happen eventually. She gets caught.
  2. 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 Edit: (If only you could have two 1's)
  3. 162? Damn, man, you're close to my weight now. Nice work. How tall are you?
  4. Double whopper, no mayo. Mmmmm.
  5. Well, when you would go to parties to read in the corner, the logical step down, as you age, is to read alone in your house.
  6. I'm telling you, eugenics is the way to go here. Just have some strict regulations and some inspectors that come around and analyze and inspect the work once in a while.
  7. I'd need a picture of some sort, but I could probably find them somehow.
  8. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen any HBD threads in a while. I hope he's OK as well.
  9. I know RkFast has posted since.
  10. We need to research eugenics more. It would help a lot with the bolded bit.
  11. I tend to hold the position that nurture and environment, for the most part, trumps nature. There are certain conditions that can make behavior like this "normal" for their state of mind (then it would fall under nature), but they are extremely rare.
  12. Does your friend have any skills an emerging 3rd world nation would need? He should look into non-extradition nations.
  13. Yes. Tempers flared a bit, I think. A little strong, even for here.
  14. And here I thought all the voices in American politics are of kooks.
  15. :lol: I love it when you tell people what they think. It's !@#$ing hilarious.
  16. His point is that "our own freedoms" are the freedoms of all citizens of the United States, whether you like their religion or not.
  17. Either "hammer time" or "too stupid." KTFABD used "attempting to give a damn" for a long time. I think it was lost in the board change though.
  18. Sorry guys... http://grant-wahl-soccer.si.com/2010/08/31/four-more-years-for-bob-bradley/?hpt=C2
  19. Copy the poster's handle. Click on the arrow next to your handle in the top right. Go to "manage ignored users." Paste into the "member's name" box.
  20. Forgive the OP, but in the Shoutbox earlier he said that he had 4 tix. He has yet to mention how many tickets he has in this thread.
  21. There is no possible way. I literally laughed out loud when I clicked on it.
  22. And where did he say that he didn't help people? You make quite the judgment based on this little sliver of his life, and then you ride into this thread on your high horse? Awesome. J, people respond differently to different things. Not everyone feels empathy for victims of natural disasters, but those same people might feel awfully when they read about someone's child being kidnapped in the newspaper. It doesn't mean that you're an awful person. You might not be the typical human being, but who wants to be typical anyway?
  23. I really hope that when I get called in for jury duty that the defendant's a minority. I'll just claim that I'm racist and get off duty right way.
  24. I can answer that. It warned me last time I voted that my vote would be visible to members. In a green banner above the poll choices, it said,
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