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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Fine, I can't believe the level of paranoia there, but fair enough. I've been more paranoid in my life, I suppose. If "arabs" put down their weapons there would most certainly still be violence. What, because 320 million people decide to stop shooting things and blowing things up, we'll have world peace? The idea is asinine. I largely disagree with the conclusion of the piece (Muslims are ruining Europe and contribute nothing) because it doesn't at all follow the premise that Muslims have only 7 Nobel prizes between them. I also disagree with his use of the number of Nobel prizes as a measure of anything besides a number of Nobel prizes. I also disagree with his idea that the gates were thrown open to Muslims because Hitler killed lots of Jews. I also disagree with his pigeonholing of all Muslims as "lazy" or "ignorant" or "stupid" or "criminal." I guess I disagree with about everything in it, actually, just because this man's clearly displayed ignorance belies anything legitimate he might have to say. Meanwhile, I find funny the author's lamenting about his "beautiful Spanish cities" being turned into "the third world," when it was Muslims who built many of those cities in the first place. Also, I still fail to see how all Muslims in Spain are plotting the death of all Spaniards.
  2. Oh man, cry me a river. Please, please cry for me. Let me know what argument I was apparently trying to make (I don't see it) that is counter to your original post. And yes, I did. It's a bad summary (in fact, it's downright terrible), but it's a summary nonetheless. The piece was about Jews, Muslims, and how the author of the piece loves Jews (at least in comparison to his feelings for Muslims). Nobody here thinks you actually said "Jews Jews Muslims Muslims Muslims we love Jews" or whatever it was.
  3. I summarized.
  4. Didn't mean to imply that you were saying that, I was talking about this quote from the guy's piece: Sorry about the confusion.
  5. Zionist propaganda! In all seriousness, what happened to the days where the Muslims were making great contributions to the world? Algebra, architecture, urban development, the arts, and medicine all have Muslims to thank for advancements they made way back when, while the Roman Catholic Church was busy entrenching most of Europe in the Dark Ages. Hell, if the caliphates had conquered all of Europe back then, the Renaissance may not have even been necessary. In any case, this guy sounds a little bit off his rocker. Yeah man, all the Muslims in Spain are sitting in their free apartments plotting your death.
  6. "Give them freedom," they said...
  7. As a golfer, my only real problem with the reactions of everyone involved is this: Please, it does get much lower than that. If I had five dollars for every time a putt of mine is thrown off because some !@#$ scuffed his cleats on the green, I could pay Tiger's fine for him.
  8. Happy Asian Carp Day too, EII, you blithering babbler.
  9. Damn and I thought I was skinny. Maybe you should check yourself in somewhere, bro. I'm 6'3"-6'4" 157. Running running running.
  10. I wish all fat people looked like that.
  11. Glockenspiel Hero
  12. He's married, and it was a sex ad on Craigslist.
  13. For a group as big as that, the lawyers would get a bit less than 40%, but your point isn't without merit. It's very possible that these fans end up getting less than what they could sell a future super bowl ticket for, much less that plus $2400.
  14. Story up on ESPN right now about a Steelers fan who had to watch in a sports bar in the basement of the stadium. He paid around $4k for everything. Edit for link: http://espn.go.com/blog/afcnorth/post/_/id/24526/page/espntexas/a-steeler-fan%E2%80%99s-awful-super-bowl-experience
  15. That's what the e-mail makes it sound like... can't get my hopes up yet, though.
  16. I saw Cloverfield in theatres. I guess the system the theatre I went to had was fairly great, the place was shaking. Loved that movie.
  17. Take a look at Booster's link, it has all sorts of requirements for 1st degree.
  18. I would make a joke about the idiocy limit of the thread being reached already, but we clearly have threads in here with tons more idiocy in them.
  19. I might be wrong, but I don't think "intent" is the same as "premeditation." Premeditation involves forethought, plotting in advance. Intent only involves one's thoughts immediately prior to and during the act. For example, if I were to turn to my roommate right now and stab him in the base of the neck, I will have intended to kill him, but it involved no premeditation. I simply picked up my knife, walked over, and stabbed him.
  20. Premeditation is not a condition for any homicide charge in New York.
  21. As an Anglo-American, I particularly like one verse from the mid-1700's that is no longer in use: Lord, grant that Marshal Wade, May by thy mighty aid, Victory bring. May he sedition hush, and like a torrent rush, Rebellious Scots to crush, God save the King.
  22. When I was a Boy Scout, I was told that we were to stand at attention and salute (Boy Scout salute) during both the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star-Spangled Banner while the flag was displayed.
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