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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I often like to think of Stalin-era Communism as a religion.
  2. And I was tempted to just stop reading there, because it does say it all
  3. How about I compare you to Focus on the Family again? Because that's the same kind of response I got when talking to their lobbyist
  4. Probably a week or so in your case, but yeah.
  5. Found a few things, some you probably saw: http://www.2-viruses.com/remove-xp-antivirus-2012 http://www.spywarevoid.com/remove-xp-antivirus-2012-xpantivirus-2012-removal-tutorial.html http://www.malwareguides.com/xp-antivirus-2012-virus-removal-guide.html And I'm guessing there's no way you can do a system restore, right? Good luck.
  6. Should have seen that coming.
  7. Yeah, if you marry the right woman but end up getting divorced, you'll walk away from the divorce without giving a dime to any lawyer whatsoever. This is why I'm careful about the women I date, even at my age. The women I date now are likely to be the kind of women I date for the rest of my life.
  8. It doesn't help that most of those divorced men lived in hell for months on end in long divorce proceedings, after which they got bent over and !@#$ed good and hard by a family court. Most men go into a marriage not knowing what the consequences of divorce are for a guy whose soon-to-be-ex-wife isn't being cool about getting divorced. It wasn't long after the phrase, "take him to the cleaners" was coined that, "cheaper to keep her" rolled around. Oh, and you dads out there: any clue how easy it is for you to lose your kids? I'll tell you: "He yelled at me, and I thought he would hurt me and the kids." Family courts are an absolute joke, and it's not just in America.
  9. Yeah, most of which are 15+ years old. Try this one on for size: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1277837/?tool=pmcentrez
  10. Indeed they are. Worked for the ACLU, too.
  11. He was definitely a nationalist. Given the country that he lived in, that he was a fundamentalist christian is doubtful.
  12. I guess you'll do.
  13. It's like asking Focus on the Family for a pamphlet on gay marriage.
  14. Norway officially backed Palestine's quest for recognition as a UN state just a few days ago. Where's Dexter? Shouldn't be be droning about Jew-led conspiracies by now?
  15. Wait, why is androgyny so bad? Do you mean misandry?
  16. The man was a nationalist (i.e. anti-multiculturalism). I could see him snapping and walking into a mosque or something (I wouldn't think it's the best way of going about things, but I could see it), but a youth camp?
  17. CNN is saying that now too. Reports also indicate that this was a full-blooded native Norwegian. No affiliations, no terrorists, just one blond-haired, blue-eyed nutjob. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/EU_NORWAY_EXPLOSION?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-07-22-15-56-09 I'm at a complete loss as to why someone would slaughter their own people like this.
  18. Mentally ill, from Amityville.
  19. Bump because Chef's back. Everybody give Chef your best welcome over in one of the PPP threads he's active in, and make sure you throw in your political opinion too! And don't forget to give him some advice!
  20. Maybe Crayonz is right and I am nitpicking. I recognize and agree with OC's distinction (and recognize that we really have no way of knowing which aspect is dominant in the Muslim community in Murfreesboro), however, his response to Adam didn't read as simply example-giving to me. That's all I'm saying. When I ask something like "Or am I not following that right?", I'm being completely serious. With the way I understood it, and understood his first post, it didn't seem like something OC would be intentionally conveying. Which is why I'm probably just nitpicking or not following correctly.
  21. There is nothing despicable about resisting a subversive and diabolical, political organization. So you went from a big "if" in your first post in this thread, to Murfreesboro is "resisting a subversive and diabolical, political organization"? Or am I not following that right?
  22. You can go your own way.
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