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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Fahkin homos.
  2. Jeez, how many Uncle Toms were discussing that with them?
  3. I second both of these.
  4. Here's a link http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/08/bubba-smith-nfl-star-police-academy-actor-found-dead-home.html
  5. You really like those e-mails, don't you? Who the hell sends them all to you?
  6. I think I thought I saw you try.
  7. There's only no risk of injury if you're boring
  8. Do you now?
  9. The only XTC I remember is a new wave band I don't like. Oh, and regarding Queen and Mercury, I'm going to have to agree with Tom. Personality does not equal spectacle. Queen's best concerts seemed to come in the 80's, when Mercury was mustachioed and not wearing stuff like this.
  10. At least they didn't use the word "victim" this time. Addendum: Why did my parents stop getting me a babysitter after I turned 10?
  11. Kind of reminds me of this movie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_Shark_Versus_Crocosaurus
  12. I think you can. Even if you can't, just go to the Bills area, then browse until you find the vendor and click their name. Then you can search "Bills" within their store and you'll see all of the options.
  13. A telling thread topic, considering you have a few kids yourself, Beerball
  14. I'm just glad you didn't say Dave Matthews Band and Britney Spears
  15. I heard that that's given by PMI. You getting your PMS next?
  16. "You ask me for a Playstation again and all you'll get for Christmas is a beating." -My Dad, circa 1998
  17. I'm not really sure if this is actually Nix/Gailey's thing, especially when I look at religious demographics in the United States (particularly in the black community). Fact is, almost 80% of this nation is Christian, so it stands to reason that almost 80% of American football players will be too (it's probably more than that, if we're honest, considering the southern background that many of these football players come from).
  18. Shark week drinking game, engage!
  19. I think that was dev's point.
  20. USC? For me, it's Syracuse
  21. I'm still going with 50/50, maybe 55/45 with the Dems having the majority. LBJ started that "great society" crap, then Nixon followed up with the hysterical "War on Drugs" (although really it was just finally carrying out the laws that had been in place for some time) which subsequent presidents happily continued. If we are to use extreme terms, the Republicans became the capitalist fascists to the Democrats' socialists/communists.
  22. What tower?
  23. Um, sorry, but if you think that the !@#$ed-up political dynamic in this country is all the Democrats fault, you need to pull your head out of your ass, as it's apparently long overdue.
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