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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Why do Mathematicians always confuse Halloween and Christmas? Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec
  2. I really, really loathe Modest Mouse.
  3. Legally, it's the same thing. Each willfully committed capital crimes. Each get executed. Welcome to justice.
  4. Just so everybody knows, now that you've had some fun (god I cracked up at this video), this is a parody. The real clip did include the word, "nigga," but it certainly wasn't the song from Gangster Rap - The Glocumentary
  5. Because Styx is bad.
  6. "Let me hear you party people say, 'Philosopher King!'" - DJ Plato
  7. Can someone do this? Like, now?
  8. Reminds me of my favorite leftist doublethink propaganda: "There is one race, the human race... celebrate diversity!"
  9. Jews will be at the event to provide loans with reasonable interest rates to those who wish to buy pastries.
  10. I lost my cell in the one bad accident I've had.
  11. American flag + cowboy hat = me no watchy. I've already heard too much out of Texas in my lifetime. And I am not drawing Crayonz in here with a response to the latter
  12. I probably shouldn't try to bait people like that at 3am after a Friday night.
  13. Ok, so maybe it's more of a once a month thing for me.
  14. Maybe I should do that instead of goats from now on. :lol: Seriously though, that sounds great.
  15. I don't know, it sounds like a regular weekend to me.
  17. Satanic rite once again. Goats are expensive. Snorted some blow off of my laptop at halftime too.
  18. Meth is a hell of a drug. See?
  19. >Israeli flag mug. Saw that and didn't even watch.
  20. Nope, never got any help, I'm sure.
  21. Honestly, I thought it was kind of funny. Ended up with a bit of spittle on my monitor
  22. I think we all know of at least one very good writer that defies this first point.
  23. Welcome to America Have fun this Sunday, Nick!
  24. I predicted another 4-12 season this year. I'm not wrong yet, but it looks like I probably will be.
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