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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I've heard that they used to put on awesome shows. "The Ballad of Curtis Loew" is actually a song I enjoy a lot. I didn't say Skynyrd was bad. I was asked what I didn't like about "Sweet Home Alabama." If they were really asspained about what Neil Young said about the south (maybe their name should have been Thinnerd Skinnerd), I think they could have come up with something better than that. In the words of the late, great Warren Zevon: "'Sweet Home Alabama' Play that dead band's song. Turn the speakers up full blast, Play it all night long."
  2. I listen to all types of music, even some Skynyrd once in a while. I'm generally just not a fan of southern rock (with a few exceptions), although I have seen .38 Special in concert (that was a riot). I was asked why I didn't like the lyrics, I told you why I don't like the lyrics. I generally don't rag on people for their musical tastes; unlike Sage, I think different musical and lyrical tastes are generally not reflective of a person's ability to critique music in general. If you really want me to list some stuff, I will, but I don't think that's your point or mine.
  3. Carry at least two 12 gauge shotguns at all times.
  4. They're simplistic, shallow, and generally ****ty.
  5. My problem was with the lyrics. Thought I made that clear. It has nothing to do with tonality or musicality.
  6. Or we could cherry pick their most recognizable song: Big wheels keep on turning Carry me home to see my kin Singing songs about the Southland I miss Alabamy once again
  7. Which is equally as funny. That also reminds me of this:
  8. Bobby! They're A-rab!
  9. Their "explanation" is what I was laughing at.
  10. Then go ahead and leave
  11. I would, but I think we'd end up agreeing. Fancy that
  12. See? I'm not the only one who thinks this is a corporatocracy. ****ty company though
  13. On a semi-related (google) note, look at what happens when you search "jew" on google.
  14. If you actually knew anything about this subject, you'd know that gender identity is still rather rigid. Those who claim to be of ambiguous gender are an extremely small minority. They also happen to be vocal. Not only that, but these people have been here for generations, they just didn't have the forum in which to speak about it. Kind of like gay people. People didn't start being gay in the 60's, it's just that before the 60's they were pedophiles.
  15. Didn't that guy claim he was the 0.1%?
  16. Same here, and that was for Tennis
  17. bull ****. I wanna see those clavicles and the ligaments in the neck.
  18. I always thought Nikki Haley gave Sarah Palin a run for her money in the category of hottest governor*. * I do understand that Palin wasn't governor when Haley was, but hot damn!
  19. Quit the powder.
  20. Has to be. I cringed as I bought my most recent Southwest ticket. I didn't want to be that guy flying the airline that has those horrible "Southwest Makes the Call" commercials
  21. Congrats on the win, Kiwi All Blacks didn't play that well in the last 30 minutes or so (that's all I was able to see), but stiffened up when it counted right at the end.
  22. He's a farmer.
  23. It's your own fault for getting Outback
  24. Wooooo let's go to the Jersey Shore. Partaaaaay.
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