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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Ah, there's a legitimate complaint I can get behind.
  2. I know this great grassy knoll where someone can just chill with a rifle as he drives by.
  3. Unless you moved here from Africa, you're not African-American. In the same vein: unless you moved here from Ireland, you're not Irish-American. Nobody cares if you're of Irish descent. Yes, even on St. Patrick's Day. Hell, especially on St. Patrick's Day.
  4. Honestly, I don't understand the big issue with windmills either. They have quite the number of them out in WNY now. The only complaints I've heard are from the mediocre suburbanites.
  5. Jesus. Sounds like you could use a drink or ten. Edit: Oh, and free early-morning bump. The only person who can truly appreciate that here is JiA, but you can have it anyway. I'm not in WNY anymore, but good luck with your fundraiser and I hope your brother gets better. Cancer blows.
  6. Women with the crazy (or evil; whatever) eyes, there's nothing like 'em.
  7. New thread topic: what's your favorite Cannibal Corpse song title? Mine is "Post Mortal Ejaculation."
  8. Whose stupid? Your stupid.
  9. Keep feeding us defeatist bull ****, we'll keep disbelieving you.
  10. Yeah, but you live in SF. Bet you can't even buy a bible in SF (never mind guns).
  11. They say it'll kill me. One can only hope. Yours may be the most insulting post in this thread yet. Meanwhile, how did a moose get taken down by someone as slow as you?
  12. I was having a similar discussion with a friend the other day, only we were trying to figure out what the best litmus test for a free society is. We kept coming back to the right to end one's own life. Back on topic, I think what your friend's husband was talking about was more of a litmus test for leftism. Looks like I might have to resurrect my PPP PSA pretty soon.
  13. I love when people use similar positions when I'm talking to them. It allows me to start using my horrible fake Scottish accent. There's the Bill-O comparison I was looking for.
  14. Captain Hindsight was clearly one of Jboyst's patrons.
  15. Next thing you know, whateverdude will come through my door with a battering saw because I put nutella on my whole wheat toast.
  16. And all my friends... I retract my earlier statement. Hell can't be that bad.
  17. I hope that there's no afterlife. I'm definitely going to hell if there is.
  18. Speaking of lovechildren, I hear you're still working on making that cow-human hybrid.
  19. Your cadence needs a little work, but I think you have a future in political rapping.
  20. His body may be rotting, but his moronic words will live on forever in our humble corner of the internet. May Sagan rest his soul.
  21. Maybe he could convince a bunch of his law school buddies to join his cult. They could occupy a dorm or something.
  22. And then Rob's House became the next Ruby Ridge.
  23. I should be taking the DC Tom route on this... BUT!!!!! Have you read Minor v. Happersett? Do you know what natural-born citizen means? Edit: woops, looks like you already answered my second question. For those of you who are slower, the answer is "no."
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