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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. !@#$ you, Tom.
  2. It's actually a self-disemboweling fox with a bell collar.
  3. The more and more I look at Santorum, the more I hear someone whispering "Poe's Law" in my ear.
  4. When he said, "step-mother," I knew exactly who he'd blame for her being a spoiled brat.
  5. The only issue I have is that he used his gun in an irresponsible manner. A sledgehammer would have worked just fine.
  6. I still love conservative-minded people who quote that silly line, "First they came for the Communists..." Please If they came for the communists now you wouldn't do ****.
  7. One day, Rubio will adhere to the Constitution a little too much for the taste of the Republican bigwigs, and suddenly he'll have no money for a reelection campaign.
  8. "SAGARPA Prime Choice Meth, specially inspected and selected for your taste and satisfaction."
  9. Oh, no doubt. But that just adds another !@#$ing middleman. Watch, in a couple of weeks my dealer will be telling me, "Man I'm telling you, this is the purest **** this side of the Mississippi," but it'll be the same !@#$ing stuff I always get just $10 more per teenth. Criminy.
  10. And well you should Classic Pooj.
  11. !@#$ing federales. That's going to drive up the price.
  12. Absolute classic. Back in my ice cream truck days, I would sometimes wander and buy a Choco Taco instead, especially if I had some extra coin. Of course, when I was 14 or so, I learned a whole new meaning to "Choco Taco." My memories of childhood haven't been the same since.
  13. Not to mention that it probably has the lowest average IQ of any internet community. Stormfront included.
  14. Exactly how do you mean?
  15. Which ones? Watching it now, all I see are the ones saying to just go ahead and put a bullet in the guy's brain. I'm guessing you're talking about something else.
  16. He must be selling a lot of purses. And come on, JA, I wear a sweater vest and I don't beg for rooster in my ass. Hell, even if I were gay I'd hardly need to beg.
  17. There is that. It'd be interesting to see, if they got the vaccine down pat and patented it, how long it would take for whatever company that holds the patent to start fighting its patent expiration so that they can keep the price high.
  18. I think a lot more people are now, considering that Santorum got about $1M in donations yesterday. https://www.ricksantorum.com/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=38
  19. The money is in treatment, not cures and prevention.
  20. and the Iranian parliament calls him in for questioning for being a degenerate liberal. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-16928642 This is why I love politics.
  21. Being Hitler's wet dream does tend to work.
  22. Can't get into the movie, it's not believable enough.
  23. He's too soft. Cut him.
  24. I don't think it's a Swiss mentality so much as a defeatist mentality.
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