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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. How many hats do you wear?
  2. This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Oy vey!
  3. Fagen better be our first pick, or else I'm so friggin' done with this team.
  4. As much as I love Six Feet Under...I'm still going with The Sopranos. As for the rest of them: Blue over The Shield Breaking Bad over Friday Night Lights Battlestar Galactica over Twin Peaks The Wire over So-Called Life X-Files over The West Wing (that one is tough for me) Buffy over Deadwood Mad Men over LOST (Could never get into LOST, even after forcing myself through the first two seasons)
  5. Really, Selmon, it's Barack himself. They caked on the makeup a bit so that the lights for that video didn't make him glow, but it's him. They did, however, use an actress for Michelle. She was too busy with the girls.
  6. To be fair, there are only what, 7,000,000 jews in the US now?
  7. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'd do quite well in a Christian theocracy. My Christian friends tend to be neo-cons, though, which is something I am most definitely not. And I think it'd be more fair if we knew what was said at this panel. We've all become familiar with the bull **** Obama can spout. It wouldn't surprise me if he went to this as part of his "community organizer" agenda and didn't take a real position on any political points, instead spewing a lot of flowery crap, in order to help expand his "grassroots" base. Do I think Obama is a leftist? Absolutely. Do I think he's a socialist? We don't even have to look at this function to say that, if he isn't, he's at least close to it. LA is right, pointing to these types of things at this point just muddies the water. We need to focus on his policy making, his executive decisions, and the economy in order to get somebody else in the White House next January.
  8. Just more evidence that Pres. Obama is really an Illuminati puppet. Now, more to the point of the OP, why is it that associating with certain types of people puts you in the same category of those people? Is it only because those are eeeevil groups? I associate myself with Christians, break bread with Christians, and attend events espousing and celebrating Christianity. Am I a Christian?
  9. That's very noble of you, Mead. I'd blow all of mine on drugs and booze.
  10. And a good evening to you, too.
  11. It might not be their primary or original constitutional function (hell, let's be honest, they got that job through an extremely activist court ruling), but that doesn't make what he said any less true. The Supreme Court has become the place where highly contested constitutional and federal questions go to be answered once and for all. (Edit: It just came to me that you might have been being sarcastic. I need more sleep.) Back on topic, how's this for a federal program: mandatory birth control for all adolescent females, except not only does the BC have hormone treatments, but also small doses of some sort of benzo.
  12. Yeah, you poor souls driving luxury cars
  13. Good for her. Maybe you can't take things to the next life, but what's the harm in trying? Me - I'm getting buried with my cats, pharaoh style.
  14. I'm a little late, but... RETARD SLAP FIGHT!
  15. Didn't live through the 80's, but since John Wawrow hasn't been on a lot lately I'll post his for him:
  16. Especially at college! Half the clubs doing advertising give away hundreds of free condoms while they're tabling. Usually the health services at the colleges give away entire bags of free condoms too.
  17. Maybe Obama would, but the real question is: would ya? http://www.thehoya.com/polopoly_fs/1.2805519!/image/1572656430.png_gen/derivatives/landscape_640/1572656430.png
  18. They could name her Reichsführer
  19. Alaska incorporated San Francisco?
  21. I gave up after a couple of paragraphs. Who's GuiliAnnie and when was she governor?
  22. 29 grand over 5 years? She must be set for life in India now. She should be thanking her mistress
  23. OMG U DON'T WANT US TO DEFEND OURSELVES U WANT 2 LEAVE U MUST H8 AMURICAN TROOPS YOU ANTISEMITE BLAHBLAHBLAH!!!1111!!one! [/ben Stein, Sanitorium, other typical neo-cons, etc.] Good luck with that.
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