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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. This from the guy whose reading skills and comprehension rival that of a farsighted gerbil.
  2. Well in that case, it gets a bump from me.
  3. Did anyone else think that this would be about Sage (who most of us know is fresh out of college) dating a 14 or 15 year old? Good luck with your new flame, Sage.
  4. A bunch of us have already. This is OCinBuffalo. This is 3rdnlng. This is Dante. This is DC Tom. Any questions?
  5. What, you don't like Pride and Prejudice?
  6. If you have good equipment and still having trouble, try watching some youtube videos of guys demonstrating good safety razor technique. A few quick tips: *You obtain a closer shave by making more passes with your razor, not by exerting more pressure; I have to pass over my stubble at least twice to get a close shave. One pass will almost never do it. The goal isn't to carve off your entire beard in one pass, but to reduce your stubble bit by bit. *Angle of the razor is important. You have to experiment to figure out what angle is best for you. If the angle isn't right, you'll end up scraping over your stubble instead of slicing it. Unlike shaving with a cartridge razor (with a pivoting head), you, not the razor, are responsible for the angle. *Use short strokes. It helps you maintain the angle and correct pressure. *If your razor is adjustable, don't think that you can solve your shaving troubles by adjusting the razor. Keep it sharp Good luck. I've decided to wait a few years before graduating to a straight razor. It has a greater learning curve, for sure, than the safety razor.
  7. Chinese for Dummies
  8. I finally got it a few months ago. I think there are a lot more good movies on there than people think. You might not have heard of them, but they're there. I just wish there were more Wes Anderson movies to stream.
  9. Vote Kony! He'll put the "infant" back in "infantry"!
  10. You need a good shave, hippie? Who would'a thunk it? I get a damn close, smooth shave. Some things necessary for a good shave that you might have been missing (in no particular order): *Get yourself some nice shaving cream or shaving soap, none of that canned foam/gel crap. The difference is noticeable immediately. *In the same vein as the above, make sure you have a nice brush. I use one made of badger hair. *A good blade (obviously), but you need to find one that is good for your particular way of shaving. I use Red Pack Personnas, but there are lots of good blades out there. I recommend buying a sample pack that contains 5 or 10 different brands of razors and giving them all a try, feeling out which one is best for you. *You need to change the blade often. None of this blue collar, "getting more miles" crap. You'll only hurt your face if you cheap out, and the razors are cheap anyway. I change the blade every 4 or 5 shaves and still pay less than $1 per month for replacements. As far as shaving techniques, google can help you with that. Everybody has their favorite little shaving mannerisms, just try a bunch of techniques and figure out which works best for you.
  11. For those of you who want to watch Firefly again, it's all on Netflix instant streaming, in the correct order.
  12. More miles out of your blade? "Not-so-smooth"? Blue-collar scum!
  13. You mean she's Lebanese, duh.
  14. Nope. It's a Gulf just south of Thruway exit 23, on 9W. It's always cheaper than anywhere else.
  15. I'm still not sure what's going on in this thread anymore.
  16. Paid $3.84 today at the same place. And paid $3.86 yesterday. Highest I've seen is $4.01 just off the thruway.
  17. By that logic, the Supreme Court Justice spots aren't political positions either. And anybody who tries to tell you that Supreme Court Justices aren't political figures is a dirty, filthy liar.
  18. Oh, I know! Netanyahu: "Alright, Barry, Israel is going to need Iran taken care of at some point." Obama: "Well I'll tell you what. If you wait until after the elections here to go down, we'll give you advanced weaponry like those new bunker busters we are testing." Netanyahu: "Sounds fair. Oh, but when we attack, we'll need American troops front and center to die for Israel." ... Obama: "Let's do this."
  19. "Too stupid to know any better" is an attempt at "excuse-making" for an "amateur POTUS?" Really?
  20. You'd be surprised at how popular a position it is. I believe DC Tom said something similar about Obama's early Gitmo policy. That he was naive.
  21. But this is different! It's new and shiny!
  22. Do what I do: wet shave using a safety razor. I replace the blade every 4 or 5 (sometimes 6 if it can take it) shaves, and pay less than $0.20 per blade.
  23. Paul and Romney were the only ones on the ballot in Virginia.
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