1. Abortion: I honestly don't give a ****.
2. Gay Marriage: See #1, although it seems to me that it should happen, legally.
3. Prayers in school: See #1, again, as long as there aren't teachers pushing it and as long as it doesn't disrupt learning.
4. Death Penalty: In a more perfect world, we'd be able to do this cheaply and efficiently. In this world, let them rot in prison.
5. Guns: Unbending on the 2nd Amendment.
6. Health Care: You get what you pay for.
7. War on drugs: Enough with the bull ****, just legalize it already and let people die the way they please.
8. Taxes: Spend money in more efficient ways and in smaller quantities and a low, simple tax system will do us fine.
9. Immigration: Bring back the quotas!
10. Illegal Immigrants: Make those here currently either apply for citizenship or get out. Citizenship is bestowed based on good character and certain financial considerations (like whether they've been paying taxes, for instance). After that, it's time to be unbending on illegals: deport their asses.
11. Free trade: I'm for it, provided that the other nations involved aren't screwing us with it.
12. Military Spending: Quit foreign intervention almost cold turkey and this won't be an issue anymore.
13. Foreign Policy: See #12. "Mind our own F'in business" sounds pretty good. It's our own business and people we need to protect.