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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I thought he meant that he sells organic pets for cats to own.
  2. You never played team handball in high school PE or at Cornell? You must be joking. If you're not joking, you missed out big time.
  3. Is this a reference to our cyclist hatred here on TBD? Or a really bad Lance Armstrong joke? Or is it because if she rode a bike past me while I was driving, I'd stop paying attention to the road?
  4. I can't remember who always gives this advice, but it's pretty good: go out and adopt another pup.
  5. People that use IE don't deserve anything anyway.
  6. Stop being bad at fantasy football.
  7. Happy birthday to bernielivsey_1, Mediaman, EZC-Boston, bobinaz, apuszczalowski, and Wagon Circler! Didn't realize that mid-September was so popular amongst the married
  8. You missed this? It was trending before trending existed.
  9. Just woke up from my coma, only to see that I should never give up on the Three Lions. Glad I DVR'd it. Build a bonfire!
  10. !@#$ing pieces of !@#$ing ****. God !@#$ing dammit. There are no words to describe how pissed I am.
  11. France wins. Too bad, I was looking forward to them embarrassing themselves again. Carroll's goal was magnificent. Sweden's got me a little nervous with all their chances today, though.
  12. Why replace clowns with more clowns?
  13. Little hefty for my taste.
  14. At least buy the guy a drink first. Criminy
  15. You're just lobbing up a softball here...
  16. Cigarettes and Ritalin. But seriously, since my father was thin as a rail until he was 35 or so, I'm guessing it's mostly metabolism. Combine that with working out regularly and not eating a whole lot calorie-wise (I eat cheap, filling foods that aren't calorie-dense), and I find myself fitting into certain pants based on how heavy my most recent meal was.
  17. Not in this tournament... because the Iti's aren't making it out of group
  18. I'm currently 6'3" (or maybe 6'4", haven't gotten measured in a couple of years) and vary between 155 and 165. I have the other side of the coin - low blood pressure. Can't just hop right out of bed in the morning - I have to sit up for a minute or so first so that I don't pass out when I stand up.
  19. It's OK, CGF, I always get LI and Queens confused too
  20. I can't believe you two haven't realized this yet... You and 3rd are talking about two different things.
  21. Attention DC Tom: any complaints you may have about this thread becoming a shitfest at any point may now be directed to Jauronimo.
  22. The high school I attended (public) was about 70% white, 25% black, and 5% other. There were a lot more crime and behavior issues in my school than in my neighborhood, mostly with the black kids. But, with few exceptions, the black kids all came from poor families and a very poor section of my fairly large hometown. We had our share of racists in the school, who doesn't? But, mostly, the behavior issues at my school were summed up like this: "!@#$ing poor people." It all comes down to what you see as the impetus behind crime when crime and race and crime and socioeconomic situation are both relationships that are highly correlated. It could be that neither of them are causal, but if you had to pick one that was far less retarded, it would be crime and socioeconomic situation.
  23. I don't know, the middle class neighborhood I grew up in was all white. The closest we got to "colored" were the Catholics down the street.
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