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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Weeaboo scum.
  2. Was it an anime fan board? Be honest.
  3. Thank you for clearing that up, crayonz.
  4. It is, based on my quick perusal of the opinion. Whenever you have Roberts and Breyer agreeing on something in a 5-3 decision there has to be some convoluted **** involved. If my speed-reading/scanning is at all accurate, the upheld provision is the one requiring police to "check the papers" of anyone arrested. The other three provisions are struck down for a few reasons, the most glaring being that citizenship and naturalization fall under federal purview exclusively.
  5. Maybe the guy got himself arrested or hurt/in the hospital.
  6. Anyone seen him post recently? No way of knowing when he was last active. Anyway, happy birthday, you crazy mofo. Hope you're doing well
  7. Bleh. Italy deserved that match, missed chances or not. Congrats, but I'll be rooting for the Krauts in the semifinal. Can't bring myself to cheer for Italy
  8. Again, a Turkey-like scenario is a good-case scenario. Not a necessarily likely scenario, not a definite. I still think I might be dishing out some crow IRL. I'm hoping I won't have to, though.
  9. The Muslim Brotherhood doesn't seem nearly as radically hell-bent on derka derka jihad and 13th-century throwbacks as the Taliban and their ilk, but the key word is "seem." It's all a matter of waiting and seeing at this point. Maybe (but hopefully not) I'll be right in the end. I told all my leftist "woo viva la revolucion" friends that the worst thing that could possibly happen was Mubarak stepping down, as a reactionist government would probably take his place. Two days later, he steps down. I dished out some tentative crow when the MB won a majority, but I'm still waiting to serve up a big, steaming platter's worth. I'm with TheNewBills on the Turkey thing; I think that's a good-case (not necessarily best-case) scenario for Egypt at this point. This Different organization, different country, different situation, different people... yeah, it's safe to say that things could "possibly" be different.
  10. Fitter, happier, more productive; Comfortable; Not drinking too much; Regular exercise at the gym (Three days a week); Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries.
  11. This was obligatory a long time ago: "Live strong, !@#$!"
  12. Build a bonfire, build a bonfire, put Germany on the top. Put Italy in the middle, and burn the !@#$ing lot!
  13. Happy birthday little lady
  14. She sings in Latin? Sign me up.
  15. Jay's definitely not a honey badger. But yeah, I do it too, Captain. Though, back in the day, I never pictured dib as any of his avatars
  16. Not when a Habana Norte fan is hanging around.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JhuOicPFZY
  18. I !@#$ing hated that book.
  19. Besides, that would make you a hebephile, at worst. And in certain states in the Union, that's not such a terrible thing*. *Of course, you're in Canada. The age of consent is probably 10 or something like that.
  20. From what I remember, he's some sort of supergenius and takes a steroid that makes him ridiculously strong.
  21. That's just what they want you to think. Or is it? "Not obviously?" As in, it's not obvious that it's an alien spacecraft; you have to look closer? Is that what Lindberg is subtly trying to tell us?
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