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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. They forgot to separate the stars from the stripes.
  2. HFBD, gents!
  3. I still think my advice is pretty good.
  4. I had an email exchange with Tim Wise once. It didn't end well.
  5. I think you and JiA are talking about different things. JiA is saying that you should have to work to achieve/receive something in order to be proud of that something. If you didn't work for it, how can you be proud of it? Thus his blue eyes question. And as an aside: if the "struggle" is what they're proud of, then very few blacks, gays, women, etc. have any right to be "proud," by your logic.
  6. Plenty of jews were made Ehrenarier for things service to the German Empire during WWI. That's another option for you.
  7. I understand when they're larger vehicles; I drive a fairly big truck as well. It's the people in the little Beemers and Mercedes 2-doors that really get to me. Not to mention a person in ANY vehicle who doesn't accelerate at all.
  8. Aaaaand this thread's been Godwined. No surprise there.
  9. This this this !@#$ing this! The worst thing ever is being behind someone on the on-ramp and they don't accelerate until they're halfway into traffic. Then I'm sitting there stuck at 40mph because I was behind them and I have to merge into traffic that's going 70+ before the end of the lane comes around Those folks get a big ol' bird flip from me when I do get the chance to pass them. Luckily I-87 isn't too busy most of the time.
  10. When we pick fights and hold arguments over stupid things, we divide America. Then, the focus on the actual issues is LOST because we are too busy trying to make everyone on the internet know that we have the biggest stones and e-muscles instead of solving the overall problem that some people out there are !@#$ing idiots. Give it a rest, you jackasses.
  11. I was pretty close to the stage for a few big concerts/shows: Wu-Tang, Green Day, and The Killers. Oh, and I was on stage for part of a Ke$ha show The rest of the time I was standing in the first few rows of people near the barrier between the stage and the crowd.
  12. Good of a time as any, I guess.
  13. The hell is wrong with you? Go away.
  14. You think that's fooling anyone? This. Damn kids these days.
  15. No webcomics allowed, you jerks.
  16. According to the SCOTUS, yes.
  17. You should comment on his next blog post with this bit. The community would love it.
  18. For me, it's a toss-up between C&H and Dilbert. I voted for Dilbert since I think you voted for C&H, Jay
  19. The people I typically see at rap/hip-hop concerts are spoiled white teenagers. The most trouble they cause are the lines at the beer tent when they can't believe that the vendor won't accept their fake ID so they can buy a $12 Bud Light.
  20. My guess is that it's just something out of the norm. Most people are heterosexual; most people chip from the rough.
  21. We get it, you don't like shoveling snow
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