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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I was in a money league last year in which I drafted 15th in the first round. My friends/opponents (all know I'm a huge Bills fan) kept saying, "Dude, you won't draft Fred Jackson right now." So I did. I won that league.
  2. Mine this year is Come At Me, Tebro. Last year it was Big Johnsons. I had both Stevie and Megatron.
  3. Better yet, bring something in every day, but sprinkle some sort of highly addictive controlled substance on it. If the coworker hasn't failed a drug test by the time he's terribly hooked on it, keep bringing in the food item, but quit adding the secret ingredient. Suddenly, withdrawal!
  4. Putting milk in coffee = you don't like coffee, so you need to drown it in dairy Drinking Smirnoff Ice = you don't like alcohol, so you need to drown it in sugar Close enough for me.
  5. When I was little my folks and I would visit my maternal grandparents a couple times a year. My grandfather still had his work/army internal clock going, so he'd be up at 5:30am every day. I was a kid, so I'd be up at 6 or so. We'd sit at their kitchen table with our OJ/coffee (OJ for me, coffee for him) and some chocolate chip cookies and play cards until everyone else got up. I miss that quite a bit.
  6. What's with you on Off the Wall? wat
  7. Fixed
  8. Guess there's no point anymore. Might as well close the thread.
  9. Indeed. Although it did stop posts of "I !@#$ed some great kitty last night"
  10. Hey, !@#$ you.
  11. A certain synonym for the female sex orifice filters to "kitty."
  12. We are serious. And don't call me Shirley.
  13. I love the irony. RIP Ms. Ride.
  14. We'll wrap your filet in bacon while grilling it
  15. Have a great day, gents (although with the time zones and the date line, not sure if this is the correct day, Kiwi)
  16. That sounds like a standards problem.
  17. They told Mike at his house that they'd need help with supply. Odds are Mike knew that the supply was drying up.
  18. I didn't post it, but I invited you and 6 of those ladies you had as your avatars way back when. It's in the mail.
  19. Dear !@#$ing lord.
  20. Sounds like your typical night at the bar, Greg.
  21. Hell no. Novelty ties are tacky as all hell. But since your colleague's only objection seems to be, "boo hoo I'm a Missshhhigan fan," yeah, probably.
  22. Happy birthday, Mill!
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