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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. We're a classic Thanksgiving family. Stuffed turkey in the oven, with more stuffing out of the bird for the wimps. Mashed potatoes, butternut squash, cranberries, lots of gravy. Home-made pumpkin pie and apple pie (that reminds me, I need a block of cheddar). Happy Thanksgiving to all on TBD.
  2. Except when she posted it on Facebook, it was no longer private. Not to mention her employer's name is probably right at the top of her page.
  3. Isn't it your birthday too? Aren't these guys supposed to be, like, your friends? Happy birthday, Guffalo. Up yours, NG
  4. The Erie Canal was probably the most revolutionary and important economic development in NYS history. There - I said it! Can't take it back now!
  5. Her nose throws me off, but I'm certainly not too good for her. That said, she's probably back to waitressing by now if you want to hit up some of the bars in Hollywood, Pooj.
  6. How much **** did Spielbergstien make up?
  7. That's because canucks are softies But yeah, notice I didn't say that we all dislike each other, just that we don't like each other. I think there's a fine distinction there.
  8. Where's the spirit? Drive down I-90 Hoping to eat some sushi God, I hate the Phins. Let's hear 'em!
  9. Well an early happy birthday to him! Shipping out for Buffalo now. I-90 here I come. Squish the Fish!
  10. That's another big secret here that the resident leftists who B word and moan about a "circle jerk" can't seem to get through their thick skulls. None of us like each other. We've accepted that and moved on. Think about your circle of acquaintances; nobody likes the guy who insists on talking politics. And we are the "those guys" of TBD. A lot of **** is going to fly by the very nature of what we're doing. What the whiners don't realize is that the **** flies in all directions.
  11. What Oxrock said. Those calling for moderation seem to forget that this sort of thing drove people away from another board. Start moderating here and there will be no more PPP, mostly because the moderators (like the rest of us) have strong opinions about some of the things discussed here and, while I respect the authority they have, I don't think moderators can be unbiased over here. Darin, I think, has done a fine job on this board. He has applied bans when someone becomes so insufferable that it transcends their political opinions (see: Dellapelle John and Duh Big Man). This place is buried as it is, nobody has an obligation to come back if their wittle feelings get hurt. If you feel like someone's post didn't attack the substance of your argument, ignore it and engage with the posters who did address your actual argument. We've all been insulted on here at one point, and we get over it because we realize that the vitirol comes from disagreement, and it's usually nothing personal. Let this place be.
  12. First one I bought with my own cash was Springsteen's "Born to Run." It was in the Fall, and I raked and bagged leaves to scratch up the coin.
  13. Register on TBD and PM Hammered a Lot. He can give you all the details. I don't think you need a special pass, just some cash. It's like a hooker, but instead of paying when you pull out you pay when you pull in. And you actually want the parking lot to stick around after you pay.
  14. The Real !@#$s of Orange County Meanwhile, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Mesa,_California
  15. This. Or sacrifice something to your hippie tree god or whatever it is heathens do nowadays.
  16. Rub some dirt on it.
  17. I agree with jboyst, it just sounds like the e-mail account has been compromised. Change the password on that as well as PayPal, eBay, etc. if they're at all connected to that account. There are several antivirus programs for Mac out there that scan for spyware and the like. I suggest you check them out. Some of them work to eliminate threats to Windows machines as well, so if you run Boot Camp or something your machine is completely protected.
  18. I always thought you were a conservative. I get back here and you're a leftist. What gives?
  19. http://www.demotivationalinc.com/files/photo/0/small-penis-theres-really-only-one-cure-640.jpg
  20. Don't you drive a Beemer?
  21. I know a couple. Both pro-life. They respect themselves enough to not get pregnant when they don't want to (in other words, they respect themselves enough to not get horrendously drunk and sleep with some meathead frat bro without a rubber).
  22. True. And they've started asking me if I can dog-sit if they're both going to be out for a whole day. Got my in
  23. I have two ladystudent neighbors (yes, they're hot) downstairs who have a gorgeous chocolate lab puppy that I see sometimes. Cutest damn thing there ever was, and she loves people.
  24. Uh, duh, rolling up cigars made of $100 bills and smoking them when you fly your helicopter while wearing a bespoke suit and dumping buckets of little slips of paper that say, "Get a job, hippie" on impoverished mexican children.
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