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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. You ever look at pictures of his shows? The places fill up with drunken high school girls dressed like prostitutes and the drunken frat boys who want to screw said high school girls.
  2. Anything by Dave Matthews.
  3. Speaking of karaoke, mine would be "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac. Tired of fat chicks singing it at my (former) favorite karaoke place.
  4. Read any good apologetics recently? Welcome back, TSW's obligatory male nurse.
  5. There's a reason why they say everybody's Irish on St. Patrick's Day. It's because everybody gets drunk and stupid on St. Patrick's Day.
  6. Bro, that's not how it works.
  7. Is he on a Lil deathbed?
  8. First of all, coke is either a drug or a brand of cola. If I ask for a coke, I don't want to be asked what kind (I'm looking at you, Dixie). Second of all, soda. Got funny looks at school when I called it pop.
  9. Didn't even watch. Advancing the idea that our society doesn't train men to not rape is the epitome of asshattery.
  10. The Book of Leviticus is named after the tribe of Levi.
  11. Clean shaven. I shave with a safety razor 5-6 times per week. I don't even know what my facial hair would look like if I were to let it go. Got curious once, but my job doesn't allow me to experiment with it, so I shaved anyway. Not sure what the obsession with facial hair is.
  12. Oh, but remember: all men support a rape culture (whatever the !@#$ that means) because men haven't yet created a world in which women can dress however they want and go wherever they want and not get hurt. Or there's my personal favorite: "If I'm drunk and a man is drunk, he needs to be of stronger constitution, better judgement, and stronger resolve than me and stop sexual relations from occurring between us, otherwise he's a rapist."
  13. This is news? I thought this was one of the "benefits" bicyclists were after.
  14. My father's parents died about 5 months apart. His dad (my grandfather) went in January 1997, lung cancer. Couldn't bury him then so they scheduled the burial/funeral for Memorial Day weekend - he was a WWII vet and would get all the military stuff at the burial. Grandma died three days before grandpa's burial, so they buried them together. My uncle told my dad when they met up the day before the burial, "mom always did want to make things easy for us."
  15. Today marks 4 weeks of being smoke-free. Legitimately do not enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke anymore. My "smoking gloves" don't smell like cigarettes anymore, so I'm assuming none of my stuff does. Noticeably less winded after exercising and I think my circulation is a little better. Reads like a diary entry but I don't care.
  16. Is TYTT a truther? Is that what this is about? Maybe I need to start reading more of the threads here.
  17. Does this surprise anybody? Most cops were high school bullies who couldn't carry their jock status over to college because they weren't good enough to play college sports, and they certainly didn't have the grades to go to a real college without playing a sport. So they pulled some blue-collar connections and became city/town cops so that they could have the "jock" status in real life too. Cops are on a constant power trip. This is why most of them are complete !@#$s.
  18. I'm a heroin chic guy as well, so Beyonce doesn't do it for me either. Don't get me wrong - I definitely would. But I don't start drooling when she's on TV like some of my friends do.
  19. Man, you just can't get over that hatred regarding a guy wanting to see his music on broadway, can you?
  20. Yeah. I rebuked them pretty hard and got called a racist.
  21. This is part of why I started this thread. Every person who claims victim-hood status in the way I mentioned in the OP seems to think they're owed something just because their relative was in Auschwitz (also, I've noticed that everyone claims that their relative was in Auschwitz. What, no love for Buchenwald?) or their relative was a slave. In my example, they think they deserve attention. Another time, a young black man in one of my classes claimed that white people in general were responsible for slavery and should pay some sort of restitution, while in the same breath he denied whites collective achievement for advances in science, culture, etc. Personally, I think collective achievement and collective responsibility are retarded, but if you want to have one can you not have the other as well? Doesn't that sort of dissonant thinking that my classmate displayed lend credibility to those white power/skinhead groups who claim collective achievement for the sake of their race?
  22. This isn't entirely true. I remember when I first started smoking, that first cigarette of the day would just rush to your head immediately and, suddenly, the world was just a little bit more tolerable. But most people do smoke to the point where they never feel that (half a pack+ per day) after a while, and they're just smoking because they're addicted. I almost never smoked so much that that first cigarette wouldn't give me a good kick in the pants in the morning/afternoon/whenever I woke up. I always enjoyed smoking. What I didn't enjoy are the noticeable detrimental results of it: my decreased lung capacity, spending more time with the colds I caught, and the fact that I would smell like an ashtray for a good hour after every cigarette, even though I only smoked outside.
  23. No link here. I'm just trying to pin down the exact date and time at which the most important thing you could possibly do in your life became making known that you've been hurt in some way. Or, better yet, that your distant relatives/relatives two or more generations older than you were hurt in some way, and it's automatically highly relevant to whatever argument you happen to be making, on the internet or in real life. Just look at the comment section of any article about Israel/Jews/whatever; someone is bound to use the fact that their great uncle thrice removed was at Auschwitz to justify some silly argument they're making which has nothing to do with the holocaust. Or the real-life example that I witnessed today, a young black woman telling us how her great-great-grandpappy was a slave and therefore the criminal justice system has no real justification for felony murder statutes. Or when I tell a fat white kid to get a lap band and he tells me that he's a loser because Obama's affirmative action nation is holding him down. I mean really, when the !@#$ did this happen? How did we become a nation full of crybabies? I see things every day that make me think of LA's avatar and it's disgusting. How can it be fixed?
  24. Well I guess I've now officially quit. It was too cold to smoke last week, and I forgot to buy cigarettes this weekend. Woohoo. Smoke-free for six days (counting today).
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