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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. This is happening because, like, European colonialism and Islamophobia and patriarchy. It's good to see Christians get their comeuppance because, like, Fred Phelps and the Crusades. Like, duh.
  2. I got the impression somewhere along the line that Megan knew all about Whitman. Can't remember how or why though.
  3. I'm pretty sure Megan was jealous. Could be a few things. She brushed off the remark about having her own children that Stephanie made but I can't help but wonder if she isn't a little bit upset about not having her own children. And "beautiful" Stephanie, radiant despite being seven months along, is just thrown in her face rather suddenly. Not to mention that Stephanie is from a part of Don's life that was kept secret for so long. The secretive nature of the relationship, however platonic, plays into Megan's paranoia about Don's possible misbehaving perfectly.
  4. Two obligatory things. First: And second: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7tupJRSi7M
  5. I've heard rumors that they're in talks with contractors around here since Golub started pushing west on them...
  6. One of the better sportswriters that I know of, whose work I've had the pleasure of reading, is a woman. She used to frequent these very fora.
  7. Rest in peace, Mr. Wilson. And thank you.
  8. Isn't that state legislature pretty solidly blue? Best he can do is veto stuff and then the dems can run a campaign based on how he "dun't do nuffin" next election. That's if he wins to begin with.
  9. Liar. But I'm in, assuming my schedule works out.
  10. These "sons" are now adults that can throw most grown men clear across a room. I don't think they need protection from the gay boogeyman. And Michael Sam is right. Homosexuals have been in professional sports teams' locker rooms for years. Only difference is that, now, people outside of the locker room know who's gay.
  11. This seems more reactionary than anything else. We've heard a few of these stories, which are similarly ridiculous: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/01/21/christian-bakery-guilty-violating-civil-rights-lesbian-couple/
  12. I lurk way more than I post nowadays, but I'd volunteer. I like this place. I've been around for a while and I have -1 warning points!
  13. If they're called "Buffalo wings" you can almost guarantee they won't be good.
  14. I, for one, welcome our new Belorussian overlords.
  15. Dude can't even take communion in his own church. !@#$ 'im.
  16. Fair Hedonism, self-indulgence, amorality...if those are the qualities you like in a girl we're all lucky to have you taking them off our hands. Good point. Both
  17. Is this a dealbreaker? Feminists and hedonists need not reply.
  18. Filthy shabbos goy.
  19. He doesn't look like an octroon. I smell deception. $5 says that it was actually North African, but they fudged it for shock value and publicity.
  20. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/162611-tgreg99-vs-robs-house/#entry2941031
  21. Honestly I don't even know what's going on. I've been deep in the k-hole for like 68 of the past 72 hours.
  22. keepthefaith made one fatal mistake: he forgot who the judge was. Good luck in your re-try at round one, pal.
  23. 4merper4mer is right, you're swinging alright. Swinging and missing. The name "redskin" has nothing to do with scalping. Red became a color label in the 19th century, like black and white. Would you be offended if they changed their name to the Washington Whiteskins and made some honkey their mascot? I think not. Pressure isn't likely to come from Native Americans not because of their small population (they have a loud voice regardless of their population size) but because they don't care. Neither should we. This has happened before, many times. And it blows over every time. This is no different. The liberal media and their ilk (read: you) will get back to wetting their pants over Vlad Putin any day now. You're reaching so far up your ass for this stuff that you can bite your fingernails. Liability carrier? Really? Liability for what? As far as courts go, this issue has been shot down so many times it thinks it's Black Kettle. Non-issue. What do I think the conversation on this is? I don't care. And neither does Dan Snyder. Most NFL owners aren't as delicate as you seem to be. Obama weighed in because he was asked directly. And civil rights groups have been at this for years, making no progress except to make a little bit of a stink every year. Again, who cares? And public opinion is still firmly on Snyder's side, with 70% of Americans believing that the name should not be changed. And if Snyder doesn't keep fighting he could lose millions in merchandise sales that he's already made. If they lose the federal trademark on the name in a lawsuit, Snyder and the franchise will get screwed faster than trailer trash on prom night. Not caving on the name actually helps him in the legal battle and on the merchandise sales he's already made, not just on some future merchandise sales that you've conjured up in your mind. This legal battle over the trademark continues even after your fairy tale of creating documentaries and **** based on the name. No, I've put him in a situation where he's completely in control of the matter, can fight from a position of strength on the trademark battle, and where he doesn't look like a pansy who grabbed his ankles for the sake of the liberal media. You've put him in a position where he looks like a pliable panty waist because, according to you, the media and the public are already in front on this. If he takes your advice, he'll look like a pile of putty limping in with a compromise to try and save face. He will never be forced to change the name. Precedent is on his side, he just needs to fight a little longer. And, evidently, you're the guy with soft arms, a hard head, and a limp dick. Levi is the tribe of priests and teachers, and I've been taking your ass back to school for this entire debate.
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