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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Can't wear shoes with jeans? What the hell is wrong with you people?
  2. This. When did disagreeing with someone start equating to hating them? You people need to examine yourselves for a minute or two.
  3. Did I say this before? Anything by Nirvana.
  4. Holy crap, our music teacher taught us that in 3rd grade near the end of the school year Can't believe I forgot about that.
  5. It's "amber lamps." And this is at least three years old. Blast from the past. Still love it, though.
  6. You only sound a little bitter.
  7. There's a joke here somewhere, and it has to do with the marital status of several of our regular posters.
  8. None of the Christians I know (that is, practicing "evangelical" types) believe that Muslims worship/pray to God. And I would argue that, from their worldview, they are absolutely correct.
  9. As if we needed more evidence that this was the result of of prole parenting.
  10. God* forbid you people just let it be. *See what I did there? Oh, and WCIP: this (below) is for treating a forum like an imageboard. !@#$.
  11. Yeah, a terrorist group blew up **** while she was PM, so she must have been a horrible leader Fact is that the UK was in big trouble in 1978, but she came in and was a huge part of turning it around.
  12. I'm mostly talking about the stuff that shows up on CNN. Like Holocaust jokes that the ADL and co. always get their panties in a wad over. Oy vey!
  13. Sure it can. But do you honestly care? And can you make an argument that it's either aiding religion, setting up a church, or forcing or influencing anyone to go to a church against their will?
  14. And what, pray tell, does having "In God We Trust" across the top of a county building have to do with that?
  15. What a trampling of your rights. Dear lord I'd rather ram my foot up the ass of the people that file those lawsuits than any YEC Bible-thumper, any day of the week.
  16. You'd need that to be stipulated? I just assume it's part of the deal if she takes you home.
  17. Joan is funny. And she's gotten to that age where she realizes that nobody can do **** to her for what she says, so it just comes out - no filter.
  18. Blasphemy! The Bee Gees are forever!
  19. To say Jesus was a communist based on things he said to unhappy rich dudes is a pretty gross misunderstanding of the teachings.
  20. That is extremely insensitive, completely classless, and lowbrow. Shame on you.
  21. I'm not sure God* would want Chavez's* birthday anyway. Stupid rotating moon-based Easter**. *Dead **Zombie Jesus Day
  22. She made a sequel just for haters like you. She's gonna keep on dreamin', Tom...
  23. Is this going to turn into an unpopular music opinions thread? I'm in - Zeppelin sucked ass.
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