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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. That list is credited, except for the Graham family. Why the hate for Billy et al.?
  2. That's the case in New York as well, and has no bearing on the point I'm trying to make.
  3. http://nypost.com/2014/11/10/couple-fined-for-refusing-to-host-same-sex-wedding-on-their-farm So here we have another lawsuit against a business owner who wouldn't host a same-sex "wedding" on their property/at their place of business. Public accommodation issues aside, this is the most interesting part of the article, to me: They recorded the friggin' phone call! They came out of nowhere and made this phone call for the sole purpose of getting rejected (opinion). They carefully recorded the phone call (without the other party's knowledge) and took the recording to the authorities. Let's put aside religion, tolerance, etc. and just call this what it is: harassment. I don't care which side of this you're on, this little "movement" they're doing is gonna bite them in the end.
  4. Man, I miss The Senator's predictions.
  5. My employer (small group) had to hand our deductables over to us for the next year, since our premium went up and they want to keep paying that for us. Also our deductables went up. Woohoo.
  6. Always preferred the German knives myself. Still don't get the obsession with the Japanese cutlery. I have several pieces from the Wüsthof Classic collection.
  7. Mother earth was asking for it.
  8. Those google images answered for me. Leslie kNOPE.
  9. Lattimore has such a policy. $1.7M is the figure, I think.
  10. That's the point. We lost a home game to Toronto every year. Don't want to lose a home game to London.
  11. Hey OC, did you see the new article? This one is great. http://www.slate.com...ml?wpsrc=fol_tw The only paragraph with content: There's a sorely underused form of psychotherapy called "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy," the basics of which include what you think affects how you feel. You learn to identify thought distortions and consider other possibilities. http://www.atlantaps...distortions.pdf In this case, let's look at 5 and 5a: 5. JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS: You make a negative interpretation even though there are no definite facts that convincingly support your conclusions. 5a. Mind Reading. You arbitrarily conclude that someone is reacting negatively to you, and you don’t bother to check this out
  12. All professional sports are scripted. Duh.
  13. Bring da ruckus.
  14. http://instantrimshot.com/
  15. Better hope the Bills are receiving to start the second half
  16. Dude, come back over to the dark corner of TBD. We miss you*. *haha
  17. I guess Godwin-ing your own thread 4 posts in, when you started it as ridiculously as you did, isn't such a terrible idea.
  18. Pats* reportedly interested in both VJax and Martin. Wouldn't be surprised to see Martin go there if the Pats* offer some real value.
  19. I counted fifth girl from the right at first for some reason. Had some questions for Mrs. SDS. Nice work, Scott and co.!
  20. I'm assuming this was intentional (because I laughed) but I'm pointing it out just in case.
  21. Yeah, the list goes on. The simplest explanation is basically, "because they aren't."
  22. The full faith and credit clause was written primarily to preserve judgments across state lines. That way a party can't just run off to another state to escape enforcement of a judgment rendered. Its use has since been expanded to marriages (traditionally this was always the case), child custody orders, and protection orders (to name a few). Gun permits have not been included yet. You would need the Supreme Court or Congress to take a liberal (read: broad) view of the clause once again in order to get a court decision or some legislation through in order for this to happen.
  23. Why? It's not like your chances got any worse for it.
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