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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Dude had pipes. RIP Mercury is the obvious choice. Not just for his voice, but for his stage presence. That man could work a crowd like no other.
  2. Don't worry, feminists are working on it. Gotta tell Susie it's ok to be fat and tell men they better find her attractive regardless of how fast their members wither at the sight of her.
  3. Measured average height, weight, and waist circumference for adults ages 20 years and over: Men: Height (inches): 69.3 Weight (pounds): 195.5 Waist circumference (inches): 39.7 Women: Height (inches): 63.8 Weight (pounds): 166.2 Waist circumference (inches): 37.5 That is all. http://www.cdc.gov/n...easurements.htm
  4. What power does a Presidential Proclamation have, exactly?
  5. It didn't benefit European nations, it handcuffed them. Tom was using a different meaning of "benefit." The EP tied abolition, as a goal of war, to the Union and, by extension, tied slavery to the Confederacy. The people of Britain (for example) were none too fond of slavery, so direct support for the Confederacy was no longer an option. The black soldiers in the Union army were free before the EP, so it didn't free them. Slave-holding states in the Union, such as Missouri, Maryland, and Kentucky, were unaffected by the EP. The EP was more a statement of intentions than anything else.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cDLZqe735k
  7. I really hope that's real. Not holding out hope since you'd need a time machine to get it there in time for the wedding itself (9/21/14).
  8. I had a buddy who brought an honest-to-god spear on stage at a gig he played at and threatened to chuck it at anyone who requested Free Bird.
  9. So what? Dude should have died in Africa and his body tossed in the street with the rest of them (which is what would have happened if he hadn't lied to get out of the country). Everything he got beyond that was gravy.
  10. Oops. Glazed over when I spotted Dolores further down the line.
  11. Anyone say Grace Slick yet?
  12. This isn't news. Some serial killers have gotten hundreds of love letters from adoring fanettes. Not to mention gifts, cash, probably erotic photographs of themselves, etc. And then there's the infatuation with terrorists like Tsarnaev.
  13. Ok, you're right. His family totally deserves a big ol' cash payout then. What's your point?
  14. Shirley Manson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzMxRNPKNw4
  15. This is the kind of **** that they're peddling to kids? This reads like a caption on WorldstarHipHop.
  16. "Siri will help me out. Let's see...'odds of catching...' ****, how do you spell 'herpes'?"
  17. Just start drinking what he's drinking.
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/ebola-victims-family-agreement-hospital-160714403.html Lie about who you've been in contact with, "forget" to say what country you came from in the hospital, get hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of health care that you have no way of paying for, and when you die your family gets money. I love this country.
  19. Funny, this is the one I get:
  20. Psh. Lame. 11-4 going into Foxboro or bust. GOOOOOO BILLLLSSSS!!!
  21. The dress size thing is very deceptive. Lots of things at play there, and a woman's body fat percentage doesn't play as big a role as you might think. P.S. Mos' def.
  22. It's seriously getting to the point where the only option is ridicule. Leftists seem utterly incapable of using logic or seeing things to their logical end(s).
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