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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Can't be a crusade. This guy is an atheist. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2948803/Man-arrested-3-shot-death-North-Carolina.html Shooting three people over a parking spot. Criminy. Of course since the guy was anything but Muslim we'll hear calls about "hate crime" for the next few days.
  2. Don't have much of an opinion. I was simply pointing out that much of the NWO and related conspiracy theories involve, on some level, anti-Semitism. You'll find that most people who believe things similar to you (not necessarily Christian, though) are also well-versed in things like Holocaust denial
  3. Look, unless all of your ideas simply revolve around furtive fallacies and Christian pre-millennial eschatology, there's anti-Semitism in there somewhere. Freemasons? Illuminati? Reptile people? Bilderbergers? Anything like that in there? But maybe there isn't in your case. If so that's fine, but vaccines aren't the mark of the Beast. Just so's ya knows.
  4. Because all of these NWO conspiracy theories are rooted in anti-Semitism, whether you know it or not. I prefer this one: http://www.amazon.com/Protocols-learned-elders-Zion-Sergiei/dp/1578987407
  5. You know, of all the retarded things said in this thread, this takes the cake. Hey, Barbarian, tell us about the Jews. I know you want to.
  6. That Pats* game was something else. D had real attitude that day. Going 5-10 to finish out the season kinda sours the memory, though.
  7. When we're comparing Vatican City and Israel? Relatively speaking, yeah.
  8. Not to mention Hitler attacked, like, nobody.
  9. Hold on, guys, we haven't put the cookie in the middle yet.
  10. Honestly, if I were a head of state, I'd want to know about invites extended to other consequential* heads of state. *added to distinguish Benny from the Pope, who is technically a head of state.
  11. It says "satire" right in the damn URL.
  12. Those are called "mormons."
  13. :effyou: That's a great price for the whole thing, assuming that brush is legit.
  14. If you're serious about it, get a good badger hair brush and shaving soap. If you're using shaving foam/gel out of a can...stop it regardless of what razor you use. I use a Merkur 38c long handled razor (I have giant hands and the long handle feels much better than my old one) and red pack personna blades (they're Israeli, if it matters). Look around this site for a while and see what you come up with: http://www.badgerandblade.com/vb/forum.php
  15. Best decision you'll ever make I'm trying to figure out if I want to move from a safety razor to a straight razor. Not sure I have the stones for it yet.
  16. Forums are working excellently. The twobillsdrive.com url sends me to a page that says that I've successfully set up a virtual host.
  17. The article said that the winning team is 20-9 I think. Don't know about CA but here in NY that's usually good enough to get you a decent seed in sectional playoffs.
  18. Of course, in SportsNation's recent "Rank 'Em," they had Marino listed, but not Kelly.
  19. So does Captain Hindsight.
  20. Piggish face.
  21. Hey! I had a proposal. Of course I'm a wacky reactionary and borderline isolationist so other countries' problems are their problems. Once it becomes our problem through aggression or whathaveyou then we deal with it swiftly and with excessive force.
  22. I want summary executions for non-citizens to make a huge comeback. Jordan has the right idea.
  23. You didn't read The Silmarillion multiple times? Ya slacker
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