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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I'd look for the billionaire trying to keep his hamster from eating silicone packets.
  2. Well first off, common sense. Obesity rates in the US began rapidly climbing in the 80's at a rate too fast to be explained in any significant way by a change in the genetic composition in the population. But if that's not enough: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/91/1/184.full From the article: Here's a more reader-friendly piece that cites lots of studies: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/obesity-prevention-source/obesity-causes/genes-and-obesity/
  3. Thinking of switching out Martellus Bennett for Dwayne Allen this week at TE. Indy is in Dallas this week and the Cowgirls are bad against TEs and Allen is a red zone force. But Bennett might get a lot of looks with Clausen starting this week for Chicago. Decisions, decisions...
  4. I like reading about topics I know nothing about. Posting, on the other hand... I hand my money off to a financial services organization. They probably work with some evil banks.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zail7Gdqro
  6. Did the "Blazin" challenge at my local BWW a few years back. I've had spicier foods. Finished in about 5 minutes. Those are probably the hottest wings I've had, though.
  7. Yes, those things are true. But I know you understand my point.
  8. Re: race and selective coverage - this country is quickly going in England's direction. Soon we'll be seeing people with names like Mohammed Islam ibn Allah being called "asian" in the media because they're from Pakistan.
  9. At least there are no incongruous thread tags this time. Progress, OC, progress. The shrieks from the leftists are getting more hilarious by the day. I think whether any of this will translate into a decent president in two years is still up in the air.
  10. Footloose sucked on screen in both cases. Don't let Kevin Bacon fool you.
  11. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/174170-one-of-the-most-epic-radio-calls-ever-the-holy-roller/
  12. I'm up by 20 with Bennett still to play tonight. Got solid outings from Detroit's D and Matty Ice. Bad day for my RBs, but my opponent didn't do much better in that category. Poor guy had Julio Jones in for a big ol' goose egg, but his best WR on the bench got 11. My opponent next week will be tough. Stafford, Beckham Jr., and Bell on that roster. Luckily they all have tough opponents next week. Need some defenses to step up!
  13. You're welcome
  14. Sammy's matchup is tempting, but it's hard to leave one of Peyton's favorite targets on the bench. The Broncos have a middling Chargers pass defense this week in nice weather. Not to mention the Chargers have been trending down against opposing WRs.
  15. Didn't read the OP, but the answer is "yes." Now what's this thread about?
  16. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
  17. Boyhood comes highly recommended. Ethan Hawke was awesome.
  18. Question for the group (especially those crying about the "rights" of foreign agitators): Do non-residents of the U.S. who are accused of crimes committed abroad have the right (under the Constitution) to due process or equal protection? If not, should they? When are they (or, should they be) conferred these rights? If they are conferred 14th Amendment rights, should they not be conferred 4th Amendment rights as well? 5th Amendment? 6th Amendment? Does it ever stop?
  19. My vote is for Orton as well, Dante. I'll go with Ryan. It was where my gut was.
  20. I'm not in the PPP league, so you can give me real advice
  21. Askia the Great! That would be a bloody movie.
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