Your generation was/is a plague on America. To argue otherwise belies a complete lack of self-awareness that (guess who) only a boomer could possibly show. Ridiculous national debt? Check. Completely pillaged the best economy America's ever seen? Check. Mortgaged the future so they could live in excess in the present? Check. Don't even get me started on Obamacare, a program that your generation overwhelmingly supports because, surprise surprise, you don't have to pay for it. The cost of the ACA rests squarely on the shoulders of my generation because your generation drank and smoked and screwed and ate their way into massively expensive health problems in their 60's and 70's.
Your generation has this ridiculous perception of gratitude. When they were handed the reins, they were the reins to the unparalleled, unquestionable world economic superpower. Now they're handing it off to us, acting like it's the same damn thing. In reality, it's a crumbling has-been. Everyone in the world sees that but them. And they all act like they taught the damn world to sing and we should be grateful for the house with peeled paint and four mortgages they're handing us.
Most of the Boomers I know don't fit the stereotypes I tend to toss around about them, but it's really hard not to look at the size of voting blocs by age and the political changes that came and went over the last 40 years or so. Those changes have pretty clear impacts that obviously benefit those of certain ages when those changes occurred, and don't benefit other groups the same way. The mentality was all about "me me me right now" which is the epitome of spoiled.