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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Here's the actual text: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/healthcurr18.pdf Absolutely !@#$ing ridiculous. On several levels.
  2. Hilarious, considering their namesake. How much further down the rabbit hole do we go?
  3. Tom should take Russia, since he's such a !@#$ing contrarian.
  4. I'll take the UK
  5. Keep walking it, FiSD. Meetings and getting closer to family have done me a world of good.
  6. There's our answer
  7. They're on TV or something. Higher standards than us working class folks.
  8. Love the song in the video.
  9. And that's fine. But what about people who aren't so mellow? With 10-15 drinks in them? Who's 250lbs of muscle? Nobody here has said that marijuana made him kill people. Must be that paranoia
  10. Great, and I'm sure the academic papers you've written on the subject backed by your credentials as a psychopharmacologist will say as much. Please post them here. No? Ok, then you have no reason to say that it's definitely irrelevant.
  11. It's absolutely relevant. Marijuana may not make you violent in and of itself. But combine it with 10 or 15 drinks, a head full of testosterone, and a bad temper? Anything added on to that stuff that will alter your mental state is relevant, be it pot or something else. Not to mention that a joint was found at the crime scene. Again, circumstantial, but relevant. Just because you like toking up doesn't mean it's irrelevant.
  12. I'm a big "heroin chic" guy too...and that's just too much. Sheesh.
  13. This article is old-ish, at least. It mentions Jim Harbaugh being head coach of the 49ers.
  14. They're talking $3500 for some tickets. That's insane.
  15. TYFT. One of my biggest pet peeves on this damn board is people conflating "liberal" and "leftist."
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_College
  17. Enough of the jam band wannabe stories already. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npNmAnZTrHc
  18. Yeah, Trent and co. never had a chance. This one is fun, and much better than the original since it's not an old lady singing it:
  19. Obligatory:
  20. GSUSA don't play around. Might find some busted kneecaps around those parts pretty soon.
  21. I heard ol' Walt wasn't too fond of the tribe. He'll be spinning in his cryogenic chamber.
  22. Fair enough. I'm just not sure what vaccines have to do with your eschatology. Actually, many fundamentalist Christians believe, based on several prophetic writings and themes in the Bible, that many faithful Jews will be saved during the last days.
  23. Spikes' agent is an !@#$ in this thing.
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