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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Sniveling !@#$ing snake. The stark realities of the legal industry have been well-known to law schools since before the damn recession, as evidenced by many of them either inflating their employment outcome numbers (by things like school-funded positions that last just long enough for the graduates to report that they're employed in a JD-required position) or downright fabricating them.
  2. Virginia was Catholic. And Billy was wrong. Catholic girls do not start late.
  3. Alright, all jokes aside: If you're a faithful Christian presumably you aren't looking to bone until marriage. But if she's gonna think you're not spiritual enough or whatever because you like the Stones it probably won't work.
  4. Hey plenz, is this what you liked so much about his talk?
  5. No matter how hot she is, there's some man somewhere who's tired of her ****.
  6. Perhaps much of the pro-life movement is myth, but it's hardly double-talk. The message and rationale for it are consistent and viable. On the pro-choice side of things, however, we hear things like, "It's not a human being. But just in case it is a human being, the mother should still have a right to choose to kill it."
  7. Obfuscating and conflating language in the "pro-choice" camp is the rub. The entire movement reeks of double talk and myth. It should be added that I'm not claiming to know your exact views on the matter.
  8. And there's the rub. Anyone who's been paying attention knows how the abortion conversation from the left has changed in the last 10 years. And that change is exactly why I am now pro-life.
  9. Stop caring©
  10. Exactly. And in the immortal words of the great sage Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr.: "No mo' talkin', I'm walkin' and I'm poppin' the clip Glock on the hip, set-trippin', drippin' and ****, If you act like a b***h, you get smacked like a b***h."
  11. I only play chess when I drink, and obviously blitz isn't the best forum for that But seriously, I used to play on chess.com all the time. Loved that site.
  12. His lawyers are between a rock and a hard place. Loser capital cases suck for defense attorneys.
  13. As I said in this thread, I'm pretty sure he's channeling his inner Mellencamp.
  14. Not trying to creep you out... but that lonza does look good.
  15. Here's the original recipe, they weren't lyin': http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/126836-appetizers-fried-noodles-w-pickle-juice/
  16. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/25951-oh-this-is-nicereal-nice/
  17. Was there ever a user called Hannibal Lecter here, or am I thinking of another forum?
  18. Oh come on, that's not true. Brb, gotta browse VNN and Stormfront.
  19. So Jesus comes back to pronounce judgment on the world and ends up in this gay dude's apartment, and there are two gay dudes just going at it in there. Jesus shakes his head and goes, "guys, I gotta send you both to hell." So which one does he send first? The bottom. He already has his **** packed.
  20. Well, yeah. Pretty much any religion that's more than 100 years old isn't cool with dudes bangin out other dudes. Seriously not cool with said dudes getting hitched.
  21. Snitches get stitches mother!@#$er. But yeah, solid move.
  22. Well I'll say it. This is absurd. What happens if a college like Ball State refuses to play at a neutral site? It is their home game, after all. If it comes down to forfeiting games I'm not sure how long the student-athletes and coaches can be kept happy about it.
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