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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. As long as the tzatziki is for dipping and not cooked into the stromboli I'm in.
  2. Because usually they're butt-chugging it, like the other normal people.
  3. I've actually known a few people who do. Not all the time, but sometimes.
  4. Go fall in love with another woman. Men can love more than one woman at once. I'm convinced of it.
  5. Yeah, you want a woman without a mental illness, ideally. Unfortunately all of them who purportedly don't have a mental illness actually suffer from histrionic personality disorder. So have fun
  6. And you're from a little place called Ganja, Azerbaijan.
  7. GBID is from Beaver, PA
  8. People with BPD are typically surrounded by chaos of their own making. Rage, self-harm, suicidal behavior, intense emotional outbursts, alternating between idealizing people and devaluing them, extreme emotions, etc. are all symptoms of BPD. Psychopaths (or sociopath, if you prefer; they're often used interchangably), may be impulsive and have poor behavioral controls, but they typically have blunted affect and are emotionally shallow. In short, individuals with BPD have a surplus of emotion, while psychopaths have a deficit.
  9. Saw the title and assumed he went to see his dominatrix again.
  10. 'grats, Mr. and Mrs. Mead! Here's to 37 more
  11. My mistake, those percentages were for the South. Though here are the national ones, and they aren't much better: https://nces.ed.gov/naal/lit_history.asp
  12. To play gator's advocate, many of those slaves were not allowed to learn how to read or write. We're five generations removed from black folks who were prohibited by law from learning pretty much anything besides picking cotton. Fast forward to 1900 and still only 50% of black men aged 20-64 can read and write. By 1930 about 20% of all blacks aged 10 and up are illiterate. It's considerable improvement, but we're only about 70-75 years removed from a full fifth of the black population not being able to read or write. It is not surprising, then, that many blacks, and the impoverished as a whole, continue to live in a way that makes middle-class white people raise their eyebrows. Their way of thinking about things is vastly different from the way you or I may think. You and I are future-oriented in our thinking. We invest, save, prioritize around the future. Our parents raised us to think about the future, it's all we know. The impoverished as a whole are present-oriented. Their lives revolve around what they and their kids are going to eat tomorrow, where they'll find decent winter coats and boots for this winter, where the money for utility bill that's due next week is coming from, etc. Everything is prioritized around the present out of necessity. Kids fall in with gangs and the drug trade because they provide immediate safety and financial security. They won't live to see 30, but hey, at least they'll have friends and some cash. So the way to change culture is to change thinking. The benefit and safety net type programs are in place so that impoverished folks can worry less about the present and invest and work hard towards the future. But there's no incentive or motivation to work and invest towards the future if there's no education and no end to the benefits in sight. They keep thinking about the present and often never even see a way out even though it's there for them.
  13. From the looks of the two passes we've seen, it already did.
  14. Both teams provide footballs that are marked for use for their respective teams on special teams plays, from what I understand.
  15. I largely agree with you, the father is a driving unit in the family, and a lot of "dads" do walk out or just never show up. But thanks to feminism, a ****ty family court system, and the way benefit programs are structured, we have an entire generation of women who believe that strong, steadfast men are a problem or barrier, not a solution. As OC said, a lot of men who would be glad to be fathers in the real sense are used for sperm and cash by women who have no interest in doing hard work or raising a good family and partnering with a good man to that end. A lot of these men are lucky if they end up getting a couple of weekends a month with their kids, no matter how good of a father they might be.
  16. This. If you think men are the only problem, I have a bridge to sell you.
  17. This is the most compelling reason for me not to believe most conspiracy theories. The sheer number of people that would have to be involved combined with an internet age just isn't the best formula for secret-keeping, even if you do buy everyone off. You can pull up individuals that have kept secrets of this magnitude for their entire lives, but lots of people with different backgrounds and values? Nuh uh. The closest example I can think of is Ultra in the UK, but that was pre-internet.
  18. Wouldn't be surprised if a few regulars around these parts are.
  19. Gugny once shot me with a pellet gun because I called him creepy. Then he jumped out of my tree and plastered the side of my house with used tissues. And he hadn't blown his nose in them
  20. All two digits of my IQ are very proud.
  21. Nice try. I know it's just long for arrogant !@#$.
  22. They also have our record last year at 10-6. You know, fwiw.
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