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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Yeah, they piss money away like it's nothing. There's overhead, and that's expected for an organization that size. But the amount of money they spend on stupid **** is amazing.
  2. I'll take 120.
  3. Two plays, actually. And he made the same bonehead play on both of them. How he looks in a Rex-style scheme again remains to be seen. I'm hoping (and somewhat expecting) that he'll turn it around. But those two plays tasted really bad and I don't think a scheme change is a good excuse for them.
  4. My opinion was similar to yours until the KC game last year
  5. Meanwhile, in places that care about soccer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRvAAYjmqkE
  6. Blatter to resign: http://www.theguardian.com/football/live/2015/jun/02/fifa-calls-press-conference-amid-latest-corruption-claims-live
  7. Sure pal. "Miserable lazy bastards." "Douchebags." "Lazy addicts." "Lazy f-cks that claim to be veterans." "Too lazy to work for money." But I'm the keyboard warrior in the basement, right?
  8. You've obviously never served and don't know anything about the topic, so do us all a favor and stop trying to "contribute."
  9. Make sure you save the pickle juice. Nothing beats homemade pickle juice in your rettata. If you use fresh dill it'll have a different flavor than what you're used to with a dill pickle. Most recipes call for seed. You could try using both. Nothing wrong with a little experimenting. It's not like it's an exact science.
  10. I think you found his point.
  11. Oh, well over 20% could use the buck or two. It's just that 95% of them won't put it toward good use. I work with the sort of population that does a lot of panhandling. I recognize a lot of the ones that I see in my area and I know exactly what they spend extra money on, a lot of it worse than booze. I tell people to never give panhandlers money because 95% of the time it doesn't help them at all. They turn around and buy something that'll just harm them. Stuff like bottled water (I keep a pack of cheap bottled water in my car just for this purpose) and food (perishable or single-serving/not for individual sale stuff they can't sell to corner stores) are the things I recommend giving. If you have time, the ones that are actually hungry will always appreciate a sandwich or fast food or pizza and will always take you up on the offer.
  12. He's right. People love that southern frat boy **** that passes for country nowadays.
  13. Never ever ever ever give money to someone who claims to be homeless.
  14. I'm with dib; she looks like she'd kill and eat her mates. That said, I'd risk it.
  15. Booze is the credited answer, assuming you drink now. Soda or fried foods could work too, depending on what you typically eat and drink. Another classic TBD thread that ended in shameful failure for its originator: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/124805-ill-be-eating-nothing-but-lentils-in-2011/
  16. I must be the only person I know who was hugely disappointed by Fury Road. I loved the first three films, but this one just did not do it for me.
  17. The difference is that the NFL doesn't commit wire fraud or money laundering after they get paid.
  18. I was talking about the dress, but the "dude" who insisted on matching her deserves it too.
  19. Should have been sent home just for how !@#$ing ugly that thing is. Aaaaaaaaand Godwin. Probably a record for OTW.
  20. Hiking with the lady friend tomorrow. Sunday I'll pull out the grave maps and miniature American flags and track down KIAs. Then a cookout. Monday another cookout. Not a big parade guy so I'll be skipping that. All in all a good weekend with too much food and not enough beer.
  21. Why does anyone think the government could more properly allocate funds than a private donor? Because they have such a great track record, or because "this time, it'll be better!"?
  22. Can we just call medicinal marijuana what it really is, that is, de facto legalization?
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