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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Your particular set of political and religious views deserve their own thread. This surprised me.
  2. Yeah! Everyone knows you do just fine on your own.
  3. Still a toss-up for me, but he's dead. Allegedly.
  4. That's because you're a reasonable human being.
  5. Right, and nearly everyone agrees that four consecutive major golf championships is far and away a more impressive achievement than four consecutive women's major tennis championships. I'm still more impressed with Spieth. But you asked if Serena was greater than Spieth ("Serena > Spieth?"). That is the apples and oranges comparison.
  6. Apples and oranges. First, the way the game of golf is set up makes it harder to "dominate" than the game of tennis. Second, Spieth is 21. I would probably say that winning two major golf championships in a row is harder in general than winning three major women's tennis championships in a row.
  7. That's garbage. Some of the best moments in major championship history are when "journeymen" came away with the title. It's a beautiful part of the game.
  8. I've had the complete opposite experience re: Jets vs. Giants fans. Giants fans are more level-headed and knowledgeable, it seems, while Jets fans are overgrown (wide, not tall) frat boys with no sense of football on a large scale.
  9. Sergio won't be there long. Choke artist extraordinaire.
  10. Alec Baldwin?
  11. I guess I'm in Giants country (518) and I really don't care much one way or another. It was fun watching them beat the Pats** a couple of times though.
  12. I have to go with Buffalo Springfield or Chicago, if backing bands don't count. Boston follows a little behind. Aside from those, bands named after geographic places generally suck. Beirut is ok too I guess. Kinda weird for my taste.
  13. It falls under fair use.
  14. I mean that was one possibility. But there are so many others! - He was homeless! Jesus wandered around with no place to sleep at night. Surely he wasn't wealthy enough to pay for some behemoth's meal. - He was the best fisherman, like, ever! - He left Judas hanging, why not her? Ha, ha, ha! I'm just kidding all these jokes are terrible but Leviticus just wasn't the way to go, homeboy.
  15. Even if you weren't, you had a better joke sitting right there! Right there! Work extra? Pfffft. I'm a public servant.
  16. So what you're saying is you want some advice?
  17. I take a half hour instead of an hour so I can leave earlier. I recognize that part of this is my fault.
  18. What about her?
  19. I don't have "Vice President" underneath my name on my business card. Also the closest one to my office is 15 minutes away.
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