Here's where my issue lies with leftists in general. First, the chronological snobbery. Just because an idea is in vogue doesn't mean it's correct, and just because an idea is old doesn't mean it's wrong. Second, what you describe: "build on successes, remove the shameful" is very nice in theory but I think leftists have gotten the practice all wrong. Some things that have been done away with were certainly shameful (Jim Crow and all its variants and fruits are a good example). But leftists often, in practice, strive to do away with successes and introduce more shameful things. They don't see it this way, but I do, and I want politicians who not only claim to see things this way, but actually act on it. Thus, the cuckservative insult. Many so-called "conservatives" talk loudly about how they see things the way I see them, but then kowtow to leftists on every point out of fear.
This is an acceptable way of going about it. You may stay in my beloved thread.