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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Here's where my issue lies with leftists in general. First, the chronological snobbery. Just because an idea is in vogue doesn't mean it's correct, and just because an idea is old doesn't mean it's wrong. Second, what you describe: "build on successes, remove the shameful" is very nice in theory but I think leftists have gotten the practice all wrong. Some things that have been done away with were certainly shameful (Jim Crow and all its variants and fruits are a good example). But leftists often, in practice, strive to do away with successes and introduce more shameful things. They don't see it this way, but I do, and I want politicians who not only claim to see things this way, but actually act on it. Thus, the cuckservative insult. Many so-called "conservatives" talk loudly about how they see things the way I see them, but then kowtow to leftists on every point out of fear. This is an acceptable way of going about it. You may stay in my beloved thread.
  2. Here's a snippet from the Breitbart piece that speaks to my point a bit, to get things back on track:
  3. I didn't mean leftists couldn't contribute at all. Just can't shout "RAYYYSISSSSST"
  4. Perhaps, but not all change is created equal. I know where you're going with this and it needs to stop, or you will be required to leave my beloved thread (see post 1, postscript). That's part of the point. "Conservatives" have marched right along in lock-step with leftists for decades now. Marching a couple steps behind doesn't make them different.
  5. Personally, I, too, think of the greatest generation. I would add that they valued family, community, and loyalty as well. Agree (in at least some part) with your assessment of Trump. However, he isn't the important part of the idea anyway. This argument is always brought up to put down reactionary politics. It's silly at best, stupid at worst, and should be put down.
  6. So, #cuckservative has been trending quite a bit in the "alt-right" blogosphere and social media lately. It has even broken into mainstream media in this WaPo article. Though it's silly and fraught with cries of "rayyyyycism" it touches on something that I've been thinking about for a while: Trump's current campaign slogan concedes something that shouldn't be overlooked: America is no longer great. The "cuckservative" idea, I think, comes from this: "conservatives" (aka "cuckservatives") ceded so much ground to leftists over time that there is nothing good left to conserve. Thus, a return to status quo ante is the only option left for those who wish America to be great again. So what do the minds that fall on the right of the political spectrum here think about this? Is it time to start thinking in terms of the reactionary, rather than the conservative? P.S. For the leftists who may wish to chime in: cries of "raaaayyycism" will not be tolerated and you will leave my beloved thread immediately should it be your desire to make such idiocy heard. P.P.S. This (NSFW, possibly) Breitbart article is recommended reading. A choice quote: Sound like anyone we know here? It's on the tip of my tongue...
  7. So it’s okay to have socialism, but it can’t be international socialism, it has to be socialism in one nation. A sort of national socialism, I guess. I'll give Bernie this: at least he's honest about it. Socialism only works in very specific contexts. It still won't work here, but he's really trying.
  8. Ok, relevant NYS Penal law being used here: A person commits second-degree manslaughter when he or she (a) recklessly causes the death of another person. So, no. A woman who miscarries typically did not recklessly cause the death of her child. P.S. "Recklessly" for these purposes means that said person was aware of and consciously disregarded a substantial and unjustifiable risk that their actions would result in a person's death.
  9. I was born during the regular season and I'm hugely disappointing, so I get that sentiment.
  10. If Brady takes it to court a judge can prevent the NFL from enforcing the suspension.
  11. Man, you're really high on the Saints this year.
  12. It's the return of connor. Or maybe molson_golden.
  13. Sweet, I can start playing again.
  14. "Don't be like 2014 Eli Manning..."
  15. Yeah, that's Catholic drivel to back up their version of Mary as perpetual virgin. There are no 1st century sources to back that up, in fact the first time an advanced age is mentioned is in the 5th century. Odds are Joseph was also in his teens, or perhaps a youngish widower.
  16. Can't be certain. Mary was almost certainly a teenager; possibly as young as 13 or 14. Joseph may have been 16 or 17, or possibly older. It's much harder to deduce Joseph's approximate age than Mary's, though, given customs at the time; silly Catholic guessing notwithstanding.
  17. I think he was joking, since the folks we call Islamic terrorists probably think you're as much of an infidel as the rest of us.
  18. Nice try, Brandon. Rog has demonstrated time and again that he always has science on his side.
  19. From what I recall, most of the posters here figured out pretty quickly that Bundy was on the wrong side of the law. Second, pointing out that this woman should have acted smarter in the situation is not "racist" or "trashy." It's the truth. Have we touched on why the family didn't bail her out? Three days on a $5,000 bond and nobody could help her out? I find that difficult to believe.
  20. To a certain extent. The point is more that the teams that can get into the top four are predetermined.
  21. He needs to start posting here.
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